Downtime Server Downtime - Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Angeliana, Aug 29, 2024.

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  1. Legendary Jackk New Player

    you forgot to mention that USPC is still down as well.
  2. sweetbabysabes Active Player

    yep, nothing like pushing new stuff with no test and then going oh, we didn't think of this. Also, we decided we are not fixing anything yet, we're just preparing for new content coming. Even though it's way longer than it should be to sorta prepare....then took and entire work shift to install partial stuff, we will not give you anything for your inconvenience. Nice work Team
  3. Legendary Jackk New Player

    going on hour 7 and its safe to say all servers are still down.
  4. El Guapo Well-Known Player

    Higher cr players had a reason to run older content, that reason was called catalysts (this is when they were first introduced to the game), the ones we get to level artifacts. These raids would pop 23/7 you could literally run them anytime, and daybreak took that away because.......reasons.
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  5. Morgue New Player

  6. LT Schmitt Dedicated Player

    I truly miss being able to walk into a raid like Paradox wave and running it solo in under 2 min. it was a challenge to see who cold get the fastest time. Same goes for Nexus but that one had so skill to be able to kill the bot at the same time.
    Now in terms of doesn't ruin the experience I would say NO! Go run T1 -T3 and look at how long those raids are taking, many players would welcome it. I have seen 60+ times for FOS 1&2 full of people who have no experience in those raids and are only running those raids to gear up and move on.

    New players want to run content with friends and the quicker they level up the quicker that can be done. Yes the events help but you are limited to how much gear you can get. It will also help with open world bounties, for example the bounties in Time/war Torn are rare run from what I have seen and putting a group of 6-8 people who are stat clamped to run them is nearly impossible. Ending stat clamps MAY fix that, it would not hurt.

    I will end with this, if Stat clapping is going to stay why not raise the clamp ceiling, or Let people choose to run stat clamped or not like you can choose to start a raid mid run or not.
  7. Dedikated6 Well-Known Player

    Man i hate it so bad ! lol just watched my youtube video from 9 years ago of soloing Prime at cr 125 lol brainiac went down at 6 minutes 49 seconds . i tried to solo it the other day and mannnnn come on its so disappointing . i dont understand the stat clamp at all . hey guys grind your buttt off for this new dlc but if you go back and play previous ones you're nerfed. lmao I swear dcuo just need somebody like kai Cenat to play this game and talk his ish guarantee we get real changes then. Lol one of yall whales needa go drop him a bag so he can live stream this jont and put that fire under their cheeks to make changes. new dev team but money grabbing time capsules is still the priority. bottled dc the most laggy dlc ever. since like when eclipso was outside and people could still the loot but not even in the raid lol. if the game is gonna be excommunicated soon at least lift the dam clamp and let us have some fun man wtf
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  8. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player


  9. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    How many times does this have to be said??
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