Downtime Server Downtime - May 28, 2024 at 6:00am PT

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Ender1Game, May 27, 2024.

  1. Ender1Game Developer

    The Switch World will be taken offline at 6AM PT on May 28, 2024, to launch Game Update 144 & Episode 47: Brainiac Returns! Downtime may last up to 6 hours.
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  2. Metallix Well-Known Player

    Y is usra one shot kill in elite
  3. FazlaBakmaKafaYapar Well-Known Player

  4. FazlaBakmaKafaYapar Well-Known Player

  5. FazlaBakmaKafaYapar Well-Known Player

  6. FazlaBakmaKafaYapar Well-Known Player

  7. ItsDlanor New Player

    Is this just the switch or ALL platforms? asking for steam xbox and psN users
  8. grifterwildkat New Player

    Are you no longer going to release new dps and tank artifacts?
  9. Ender1Game Developer

    The Switch World has been unlocked with Game Update 144 & Episode 47. Enjoy,
    • Like x 2
  10. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    any update regarding ps5 and ps4 issues?
  11. Beard Maaaan Well-Known Player

    When I go to the Where’s Bizzaro? locations, two of them are the lonely ones and none the clone one. Glitch?
  12. SoggyDcuo Well-Known Player

    It’s because she is a real one lol. Be happy ursa doesn’t have mechs that she do in phantom zone alert it will be worst.
  13. SoggyDcuo Well-Known Player

    I doubt this will be the case.
    There’s feedback with these artifacts on forums and to scrap something the dev put time in or redevelopment of the art features more than likely won’t be remove.

    Who knows I can be proven wrong and the dev can surprise me.
  14. JKR Goon New Player

    Ursa doesn't 1shot at all but if go against her without a heal is very likely you're not gonna pass her.
  15. Great Architect Loyal Player

    They're random each time - you can get three the same sometimes, or one of each, or a mixed bag.