Downtime Server Downtime - May 19, 2016 - Episode 24, Game Update 60, and the Booster Bundle!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 18, 2016.

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  1. Harlequin Devoted Player

    You would rather they not release new content and updates?
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  2. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I would rather they made a REAL fix before releasing new content along with updates, bundles and everything else they could fit into one big release that will most likely just further introduce even more bugs to go along with the unfixed ones.
  3. Physique Dedicated Player

    This is a rare exception as all servers, not just for Xbox users, is down for system wide patching. Game updates and Episode releases happen monthly and in almost each case, come with some degree of extended downtime upon release. This is common for this game although it is rare for the devs to roll the entire estimated time.

    As for the other downtime XBox users have had to endure, those are growing pains and I'm fairly certain the devs will do something to make good on the missed subscription time.
  4. flashmaz52 Level 30

    thats take too long time ? wanna play guys -_-
  5. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I'm miffed. I expected to come on here and see more outrage. I'm rather surprised that when I'm upset about something, no one else appears to be.
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  6. Aveie06 New Player

    I am very happy with the dedication to them fixing issues. I played PC and PS4 a while back but only recently got really into playing it on Xbox One. And if the servers are down, i go outside and work on something that i put off to play lol. In a way, downtime helps me stay caught up.
  7. The Mythical Luna Dark Well-Known Player

    We've all come to accept it unfortunately.
  8. qwickstrickerq New Player

    Has there been any word from the devs on when it's expected to come back on?
  9. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Something people didn't know existed moments ago they don't have to pay for, causes vitriol in multiple threads for pages and pages, but something they've been paying for monthly gets a shrug of complacency and a side comment? o_O I don't get it.
  10. Harlequin Devoted Player

    It is what it is. The one week head start isn't that big of a deal to me anyway.
  11. Rocket Man New Player

    Maybe they will be able to fix some of the lag on the Xbox one servers lol
  12. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    It's right there in the very first post.
  13. RichieBenzzz New Player

    Twitter says 2pm pt that's 5pm est so they expect
  14. Rocket Man New Player

    The exact time I have to go to work too. Hooray! D:
  15. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    I'm patched. Time for a nap.
  16. o7okriso7o New Player

    Any idea what time that'll be GMT?
  17. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    That's 4 PM CST, sweet.
  18. Scottmklein New Player

    About 10 mins after I get home from work. Man I REALLY hope this one goes right
  19. Tokens210 Well-Known Player

    I love all the people with new player under their names freaking about everything lol

    The servers especially those on the Xbox version have been getting slammed with requests, you probably notice the game begins massively lagging or kicking you offline around the same time kids get out of school, not a coincidence

    So many different systems requesting access at once causes the system to shut down, literally the exact same thing a DDoS attack does

    None of these server crashes are planned or scheduled downtimes, meaning they don't count at all, not to mention by installing and playing the game you flat out agreed that you understand and accept this although noone really seems to be accepting anything lol

    As far as planned or scheduled maintenance, I'll agree that on xbox atleast I believe I've only seen the red text warning of shutdowns once so that text might be not working properly, may be lagging behind a bit or we may just be missing it but everything is announced, usually by Mepps here on the forums

    Are you really that mad that their releasing new content and a new game update or is it that you planned your day around playing dc, didn't check the announcements and now found out you can't lol

    On a more serious note, I've been wondering is the spring event still going to end at the original date?
    Cause I've seen in other sections other platforms have had some issues recently and sometimes when that happens the seasonal end date gets pushed back, just trying to figure out how many days I got of stomping swamp thing left lol
  20. Rocket Man New Player

    I believe it would be 10:00 PM GMT.
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