Downtime Server Downtime - May 19, 2016 - Episode 24, Game Update 60, and the Booster Bundle!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 18, 2016.

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  1. sarah bellum New Player

    Hi I used to think as you did, but now I don't. You can play episode 24 tomorrow if you want I can show you how to get from 82 CR to 160 in a day
  2. Cirux77 New Player

    Uffffff 8 hrs???? update the server hardware too plz
  3. sarah bellum New Player

    if anyone is horribly bored and wants to make a new superhero or villain on a different game, I may get banned for saying this.. but champions online is up, and is free to play and has a much much more dynamic avatar creation page than dcu although it is much buggier..yes it is possible. I am BoomsIang that's a captital "eye" not an "ell" or some unpronounceable gibberish I named some weird thing who, when you queue with him, will speak unpronounceable gibberish all queue long, hes an insect. a real insect. roleplayed
  4. EarthQuack New Player

    so When it Will Back ? excatly ?
  5. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    Know that exactly, we do not. Eight hours there are, maybe more or less.
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  6. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

  7. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    When they've finished debugging the new live version. That's not a predictable amount of time, so anywhere from 2 to 20 hours. Probably 6-9 hours.
  8. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    I think you're spot on. More like 6-9 hours.
  9. ElementalWarlord New Player

    It's hard to say how long they'll be down. They say 8 hours, but to be fair, we won't know until they've gotten into the thick of it. From a technical side, in a complex web of design like a computer game, there's always the possibility that something will go wrong. On the plus side, I think they have given themselves a forgiving timeline. Eight hours might be enough, but it wouldn't surprise me if it took a little longer.
  10. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    There's this bright yellow disc outside you can try to experience. Or just watch DC TV;)
  11. Harlequin Devoted Player

    But it burns my eyes!
  12. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Gives skin cancer.

    On a completely unrelated side-note:
    1.4 GB for a not even tintable material customization? I get an idea why character customization does not get so many updates....
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  13. RGoliath Well-Known Player

    Will this BB contain JUST glimmering/the new solar auras or will we also have the (lame) chance at getting a normal aura, too?
  14. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    Why risk certain death when we can have so much more fun in my tortu...happy chamber?

  15. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Only the first (and possibly the second one, can't remember fully how that one worked) Booster Bundles has normal auras.

    A Booster Bundle will only drop one of the items showed in the livestream the other day.
  16. Scottmklein New Player

    I'll go 10 to 12 hours. Do I win a solar aura if I'm right? All else aside the blue does look really nice

    I do hope xbox auto downloads the updates. It set to do so. And most do, except for eso. Really don't want to have to wait an hour or two..assuming Mr miracle steps in and they do come up in a reasonable time.

    And of course WORK
  17. UltraVillain Committed Player

    or somewhere between 2 hours and 6 weeks
  18. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    Just watching The Dark Trilogy to pass the time during the shutdown.

    The Joker: Why so serious?
  19. boibrion New Player

    I'd like to know the details on T8 mods . .

    Whats the deal with ER Kits? Will they only drop in T8 now?
    I assume expert and synthetic mods are phased out now?
  20. wooberhead New Player

    This is what, at least the 6th major downtime since XB launch? 2nd month membership not looking good.
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