Downtime Server Downtime - May 19, 2016 - Episode 24, Game Update 60, and the Booster Bundle!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 18, 2016.

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  1. D34THJ New Player

    xb1 still down?
  2. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Logged in on the EU server, where I have a character who uses the Vanguard of the Heavens skin (bought in the MP a long time ago). For some reason, since this update, his skin is bright red, instead of the nice black with stars that he should have. He doesn't even have any red in his colour scheme. :confused:
  3. o7okriso7o New Player

    I still can't get online, still getting sent to the Catwoman screen...
  4. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    Mepps said they're looking into it.
  5. KillerCaitlin New Player

    Launcher Screen Error ...
  6. Ov4u New Player

    Any word on when us-PS3 will be up?

    -edit Nvm I'm on !
  7. Scottmklein New Player

    See..this seems like one of those obvious type bugs that should have been caught by QA...or in this case..the test server

  8. D34THJ New Player

    xb1 online for me.
  9. o7okriso7o New Player

    I've just got online, XB1/EU
  10. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Update: EU Xbox and all world are now online.
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