Downtime Server Downtime - March 23, 2023 - Game Update 133

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 22, 2023.

  1. xGMZen Well-Known Player

    I periodically go outside, so 8 hours is no pain for me, full patch? PLUS GIFTS? yeah, I'll be patient. :cool:
  2. Zero303 Well-Known Player

    is it finished? i dont see any red text any more.
  3. Eve YouTuber

    all servers are up by the way
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  4. xGMZen Well-Known Player

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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Because if they did it yesterday you'd get grumbling about how people got stiffed when they waited till the last day of the event. If you did it over the weekend people would grumble on how they missed out on their only days off.

    Truth is that every day is bad for someone. Personally I'd rather have it the first day after reboot time as you still have all week to make up for lost time. If I was really concerned with getting my weekly stuff done ASAP, I'd have hit it right after loot reset, before the outage....many do this the day before a big outage AND on loot reset day.
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  6. SinnfulGiggles New Player

  7. NcIon2029 New Player

    It would of been nice if the auction house bug was finally fixed......
  8. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Well.... Also don't do it on the last day of the week, either....
    Do it in the middle... not on the weekend.

    The thing that separates Thursday from "everyday" is that it's the kickoff of the week.... the one time that you can count on everybody starting out their week and queuing up like it's payday...
  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I get it....but as no one else is queuing up during the outage, it's not like they won't just be queuing in later that same day or the next day. Now if it were just a PS or PC outage, or were some issue where some select group were locked out but not 90% of the population, I'd say you have a good gripe, but everyone was locked out for 6 or 8 everyone will have to play catch up this week, same as you or me or anyone least we have 6 days to do so.

    And seeing as 'the middle' of a Thurs-Wed week is Sunday...I don't think that's any better for many....and they aren't probably working Sunday either.
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