Game Update 114 All worlds will be taken offline at 5:30AM PT on June 9, 2021, to launch Game Update 114. Downtime may last up to 9 hours. Game Update 114 features the summer seasonal event, the Sixth Dimension Kryptonian Time Capsule, the new Phase UI, and more! The full update notes will be posted in the Live Update Notes subforum when available.
Oh damn, don't know if it was planned but if it was you just found a way to milk a lot of money from replay badges spammers, well done.
So the TC and Summer Event launch tomorrow after the worlds come back up, or on Thursday as per usual?
Everything should launch tomorrow after the worlds come back up. DoS and Summer will overlap for one day.
As much as everyone hates time caps. I like them because they give me free skill points and I get to see a few players on my friends list pop on and some league mates for a few days. This also happens when new content drops or even some changes to gameplay like powers weapons arts and so on. I kinda wish we could pump more of this stuff out faster so I can actually get to play with them.
Hopefully it is just 9 hours and I will be able to squeeze in my 1 alt since that will be 12:30 am. I am at EET (Eastern European Time).
hello dcuo comunity today is Wensday June 9th 2021 and right now the time for me is 9:58 am MST (mountain standard time) Arizona U.S.A. So judging from the estimated time it will take "9 hours" i wont get to play until sometime after 5pm MST unless all goes well and it's up by 12pm MST for me and if not then i'll have to wait until tomorrow to play since my computer tends to freeze up alot after 4PM but thats mostly due to the fact that its over 100 degrees F outside and my aircondistioning does always kick on so my computer over heats and has to shut down to cool
Sorry for that dude u gonna lose one day of the double marks, but they CAN NOT doit in less time, they still using the same software and hardware since beggining (exactly same kind of issues in this 10 years) and expect for some days bugs, Crash To Desktop, etc, in fact they doit faster enough to have so many stuff inside a game with an old Hard Drives and old processors, programing no is an easy thing, less when no have a good resources like they demonstrate, is a game made it for the play station 3, so...
Nice!! Celebrate Pride The DCUO Team is happy to celebrate Pride Month with these free gifts! Express your pride or show your support with Progress Pride Flag, Pride Flag, Pride Cape, Pride love Emblem, DC Pride Logo Emblem & Enhanced DC Pride Logo Emblem. Remember: true heroes listen, support, and uplift those around them. Progress Pride Flag designed by Daniel Quasar."
I appreciate the Pride gifts, and I'm glad that Mepps gave credit to Daniel Quasar for the Progress Pride Flag design. I wish he had also given credit to Gilbert Baker for the Pride Flag design.
Any chance of getting the Pride grant on multiple toons? I was hoping to get a few flags to throw into the league hall.
Trade chat is going to be filled with UGLY People because of the Pride gift.. Just be mindful of that.