Server Downtime - June 17, 2015 - Game Update 49!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. erinbusby1975 New Player

    Thanks for the improvements to fire dps. I have been waiting for dcou to fix taunts agro clips "dumps" de taunts for a long time. I gave up and parked my tanks unless i know all in group. At least now i can use dps to keep tank up to par till u can fix another player in groups ability to effect my agro or taunt by accident.
  2. Kid Shazamm New Player

    So I bought daybreak cash through the site using my PayPal Debit Card. I spent a total of $10 on daybreak cash and I haven't received it yet! When I purchase it just says ""We're sorry, when we attempted to charge the payment method you provided it was declined. Please contact your payment provider directly to see why this occurred. You may also select an alternate credit card or payment method to continue with your purchase." At the same time though, it takes the money out of my PayPal balance but I don't get any daybreak cash. Oh and look at the transaction IDs.

    Merchant : SOE*COMMERCE 858-537-0898 CA

    Merchant: SOE*COMMERCE,858-537-0898,CA, PICTURE PROOF :
  3. Teknosup Active Player

    My Villy Toon Has not moved up cr in a very long time I dont even log villian side anymore due to the fact that takes FOREVER just to que any matches other than PVP 1V1 that seems to que pretty quickly within 2 or 3 minutes however any of the other content doing missions FORGET it! The Villian SIde of the SYSTEM is DEAD (IMO) i havent seen more than 10 villian players on at any given time and with my LOW cr on my villian I cannot even get to t3 (SUX) so i will prob DELETE him and just add Another Hero toon this will be number #15 this game used to be FUN to play Now it is PAINFUL to be Punished when I play my Hero Char CR121 I no longer get MARKS Unless I play only T7 then i get a measly 1 or 2 Marks. When I try to help the other Lower cr players during their quest ALL I get are the Loot Drops again PUNISHED for Helping! The REVAMP of the SYSTEM IMO - Punished for being a long time player of DCUO started over 4 years ago! I thought this was supposed to be a game where Team Work And Helping Others out was supposed to be Rewarding! So what do I get exactly for helping out the lower cr players? In a Nutshell I get my Marks taken away from me I also get the $ TAKEN away from me I get my DPS output REDUCED and o yea I get CURSED OUT by the lower cr players even when i go in as Healer CR121 As support Role! As I stated before I was with DCUO when they first started out over 4 years ago I have been LEGENDARY (ALL ACCESS NOW) I think I have spent ENOUGH Money in subscription fees just to be TREATED like this (punished) just for being A LONG TIME LOYAL Member of DCUO! btw -ACTIVELY LOOKING FOR A DIFFERENT MMO to play! HEADS UP DAYBREAK! If I am feeling like this i wonder how the other LONG TERM players are feeling? (jus sayin)
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  4. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    You seriously think anyone will make the effort to read through that verbal diarrhea?
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  5. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Depends on which server you are. If you are in PC, i can understand, seems there are not many players in villain side. I'm on USPS so I don't know. But on my side, I don't have problems queuing up for pve and pvp. It can takes some times for raids but you can always ask your league and make a group or raid to do the content. Also the cross server I think will happen. I hope it will fix that for everyone.
  6. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    They're allowing the league names to contain 3 spaces. Why not character names? It would open up a lot of name possibility.
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  7. AvatarOfStealth Well-Known Player

    oh and i have a villain, AvatarOfPhobos, hes cr 70, ive been meaning to work on him more. I should do so this week, just to get work done and it seems Villains need every troll they can get, though im not sure its quite as dead as it seems.
  8. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    What makes you think this is the proper forum for this? There is even a phone number you provided. Perhaps you might want to call it?
  9. disableddad New Player

    Yes, I saw the eight hour down time. As I said, it always let me play after I did the download. People that getting bent out of shape over a simple question is the reason I didn't post on these or any forum for Dcuo.

    I have an 126 tank/DPS ice, a 126 troll/dps quantum, 119 tank/DPS earth, 115 troll/DPS mental, and a 104 healer/DPS nature, so forgive me if my forum knowledge isn't up to par. I uslly let my game play do the talking for me!
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  10. Thorke New Player

    hola, hago un llamamiento/peticion
    me comentan que hace tiempo si estaba, pero lo quitaron porque habian pocos.... pero seguimos estando...
    veran, yo tengo el juego en español, y me consta que todavia quedamos decenas de habla hispana... pediria que por favor hagan un apartado, no tiene que ser todo un foro, pero si un espacio dedicado para los que hablamos este idioma.
    muchas veces, intento leer que ocurre en las actualizaciones, y las traducciones son odiosas (google traduce asi de bien :D ).
    esto de tirarnos el servidor, justo a media tarde en españa, puedo entender, los programadores lo hacen buscando un horario que afecte al menor numero posible, y ya seria mucho pedir un servidor español (con todo lo que recauda la empresa se podria intentar).
    estoy seguro, que entre españa, y los miles de paises hispanos (ltinoamerica )que hay, seguro que habria mucha mas gente que de habla inglesa o americana... pues soy webmaster, y se de buena tinta que en latinoamerica es donde mas internet se consume, si no uno de los que mas.
    a ver si para una proxima actualizacion... se pueden plantear poner idiomas, porque repito, tengo el juego en español, y me resulta raro, que luego, incluso entre hispanos tengamos que hablar ingles... (muchas veces entro en raids hablando como pueda ingles, por constumbre, y me topo con que hay mas que entienden mi idioma :D )
  11. Tannen Committed Player

    i feel ya. Feels the same way for me. I just had a 12 day stretch with only 1 day off, and not a lot of time to play. Finally 2 days off, and im met with the ridiculous daily maintenance, several hours of legendary membership issues, and a large update, giving me very little proper game time when i actually have time to do it. I understand the legendary issues were out of their control, but its the cumulative nature of all these ill timed issues and server downtime.

    Get rid of the daily maint, and go to a weekly maint like every other mmo. Do your big updates on a different day. Thursday would be great for that.
  12. Teknosup Active Player

  13. Teknosup Active Player

    O I SEE NOW UR A New Member ! That explains it! Invest some real $ and time in the game then you can post FACTS not A random blurb of Bull
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  14. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Uh huh.. Just like how they opended up the name reclaim and people abused it because they are selling them. Nice try.
  15. DECEPTICON-UK New Player

    How long til we r back on. ??? ( uk time )

    And thanks for rolling out update after update, keep up the good work.:)
  16. darkes Level 30

    The servers are actually up, but not open for players. So the info is correct.
  17. Gamma Lantern Committed Player

    All of your posts leave a bad taste in my mouth.

    No need to be rude when someone makes a suggestion...relax
  18. Gamma Lantern Committed Player

    Yep because new members on the forums MUST have just started playing the actual game yesterday lol
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  19. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I was being rude because I was merely stating a fact? lol okay. My point was I'm fine with more spaces, just I don't want them being sold like how that name reclaim happended.
  20. darkes Level 30

    hey dud, if u always like this, I know why your villain never pops a Q. You might be on ignore by half the population. Just something to think about.
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