Downtime Server Downtime - July 7, 2022 - Game Update 126

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 6, 2022.

  1. MchaelAceHunter Well-Known Player

    Is resurgence still going then on switch?
  2. Multiverse Creator League

    I'll make a video..... does that count?? ;) ;)
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  3. error: unknown... New Player

    A most important question. Where is the good boy Krypto?
  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I'm sorry - we are still sorting out the details.
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  5. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    The primary reason for Save the Universe is so that the devs have less work to do. With StU they can now get away with releasing only two Episodes a year.
  6. Jords21 Well-Known Player

    Thought save the universe wasn’t till October
  7. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    Give the devs a break before they all decide that we aren't worth their time anymore. Look forward to better things beyond the horizon. Save the Universe brings with it a style some missed, OP hands some have yet to finish leveling, feats that not all have finished, et cetera. If one is unhappy with the decisions that are being made currently, other games can suit your fancy for a few weeks until you start to miss your beloved DCUO. Meanwhile, I am very much looking forward to this StU event as I had not known it was not a permanent fixture to HoL. I, as well as many others, will have plenty to do. This is a welcomed change to the current hustle and grind of seasonal events that people are so lazy in, they queue and just stand there while the others shoulder the load.
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  8. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    You are forgetting a bunch of Devs left recently including the CEO, which caused a shake up and had them delaying the next episode and other things. But you are also forgetting new Devs came in from the cancelled Marvel MMO and are now being trained. No, this is a Event, it doesn't replace a episode. It doesn't mean they have less work to do. Do you work there? Do you know how much work they get per day? No. Neither do I. Neither do anyone on this thread other than Mepps probably.
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  9. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Always kind sir ;)
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  10. ThunderPig New Player

    Always love the seasonal rotation, tons of stuff to do and catch up on! You can't appease everyone, clearly. Cheers for the good work devs and the continuous commitment over the span of 12 years.
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  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Update: the US PS/PC world is now online. Xbox and EU PS/PC will be longer.
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  12. RafaelGBM New Player

    mepps which month will we have survival mode? could delay survival and 3xp artifacts, I need more time to improve them. I love the game thank you
  13. UT Firefly Well-Known Player

    amazing update honestly i love it:cool:
  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Update: All worlds are now online.
  15. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Apparently not. :-(