Server Downtime - July 23, 2014 - Game Update 39!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 22, 2014.

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  1. Molecular Occurance Active Player

    Stop standing up for failure Jafin.
  2. Kaizia New Player

    Maybe in the future we will get 4man nex/dox wont that be fun :D
  3. Little Sister New Player

    You can't buy the best gear with MoT, so who cares how many MoT players had by accident ? It would have been nicer to have a regular countdown so we could finish the content we were doing instead of what they did.

    Total fail.
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  4. Lectros New Player

    Were nex & dox supposed to be t5 alerts at a reduced difficulty?
  5. ConnerSandsmark Well-Known Player

    there was obviously some issues going on so they had to fix it, thanks Mepps for the update
  6. Stonedjedi New Player

    THIs ShT still isnt working
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  7. DonMega New Player

    YEIII, Didn't expect anything , didn't get dissapointed :) See ya after weekend maybe everythings working. Im off to kill some terrorists in BF4
  8. Doc Vinci New Player

    Can I make a suggestion when the world goes down can the devs stop the clock on the broker just logged in and loads of stuff expired again now it some items cost me a lot of on game cash to place in broker
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  9. White Integra New Player

    how you know?
  10. Mr RunnerIce® New Player

    now what? all world closed??
  11. KatanaRamaRage New Player

    I need to run AB today and tomorrow so I can get to t6 tomorrow wtf
  12. chim92 Active Player

    I rlly hope that im still leader when I get back on! :mad: im so scared! im f2p and I got my own guild! ahhhhh!
  13. Scarecrow4479 Well-Known Player

    "Jervis Tetch hacked the system, please wait while we fix the crap he messed up."
  14. Rafael Silva Firmino New Player

    I'm stuck and I can not play anyone could help me or explain why I'm stuck and not able to play?
  15. Ogat New Player

    Okay what recent update had a smooth launch without aditional downtimes and no gamebreaking bugs? :) Humor me.
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  16. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Were the MoT intended, or....? :p
  17. DarkDesire New Player

    World down ? hmm.....
  18. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I don't stand up for failure, I simply point out ignorant, incorrect statements.
    • Like x 3
  19. jetterz619 New Player

    It was working... Played for a half hour, then I got kicked...
  20. Unkown New Player

    Ohh ffs just see the servers were back and wanted to see if i had alot of marks to but as i log on the server is down again -.- wtf 9 hours aint enough -.- glad it aint dlc11 aswell because tht would really anoy me
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