Server Downtime - July 23, 2014 - Game Update 39!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 22, 2014.

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  1. Torikumu 10000 Post Club


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  2. Schimaera Devoted Player

    It isn't that easy for those in Europe who have a downtime since 2 pm extended now to 10 pm.
    I can feel with them easily. I'm european, too, but well...I simply can control my tempers :D

    After all...this is the third week now with downtimes incredibly long.
    Week 1: Migration issues for PSG to SOE players - 24 Hours
    Week 2: Domain issues - 48+ Hours
    Week 3: GU38 - 8 hours - ofcourse its less but well...for the working europeans it was always the whole evening three weeks in a row.
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  3. alexlampshady New Player

    So what time would this update be over? Please include the time zone you mean. Please and thank you.
  4. VintageWine Dedicated Player

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  5. DR.Hades New Player

    OK let me calm down. my WIFI is acting up and sony is killing me im going to get a stroke
  6. g0th1cs1thl0rd New Player

    "...out of their control"? Ôo ... Are you sure?

    They do a lot of planning, programming & betatesting and can't control the result of their work? That sounds surely not like a pro-argument for the developers. I guess, they'll do a game, not a bodyparts-monster á la Frankenstein.

    I love this game, but with all these many downtimes I'm starting to ask myself: "What the hell are they doing?" ... Sometimes it seems like they release GU's which are known buggy, 'cause they've got a deadline or something and they have to be in time. Could I make a wish i would prefer the following: make it good, not fast. ;)
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  7. Teknosup Active Player

    Does it matter on what i spent my hard earned $ on at soe? I think not! Other ppl buy this buy that for their toons it really is up to them on what they want or do not want to buy. I am simply stating that I do not have a lot of free time and the time that i do have i would like to play dcuo as a paying or paid member or continuing to buy from the marketplace member i believe that qualifies me as one of soes customers, would like to play for the service that is paid and still paying for when i can. I also have been with dcuo for years as well and have invested the little free time that i have off to my toons trying to lvl etc. And when the system is down it is frustrating. Look at the orig post when the system was to go down then approx time is 6 hours well i can tell you it is past the 6 hour time frame and then there are the add on post "UpdatePost" o btw it wont be up for another 2 hours maybe .....keep ya fingers crossed ...keep up the faith.
  8. DR.Hades New Player

    OMG I can hear my toon's i'm soo close
  9. Franchise New Player

    well reset is tomorrow so i suggest you play every thing before reset
  10. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    Wasted day. I had the whole morning set aside to play and I load the game , start the update which takes 30min to download btw then after it's done it gets stuck on loading screens and won't go to the character selection screen.
    Game is down for what again?
    What a wasted morning. I'm busy tonight and have things to do all day tomorrow.
    Guess I'll find our what league halls are like this weekend even though I've already downloaded it today.
    This effin game.
    What a wasted day.
  11. Alexandr Kerus New Player

    Ohh cmon Mepps!!Again? It's 10pm in russia ATM/ i've been waiting for 6 hours/ and what t suprise still DOWn DOWN DOWN/ Angry russian HERE Wants he's game back Online!!! One more Hour and people'll REVOLVE!!!!!
  12. Scarecrow4479 Well-Known Player

    The down times really aren't that bad.
    People just tend to notice the negative far more then the positive. With these games they tend to notice the down times far more then up times, and again, this was scheduled.
    This isn't like when they forgot to update their domain name.
    That downtime was unexcused and we had a right to complain, but with this we just got to chill.
    Have some Skittles while you wait the approximate next hour.
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  13. Meta Flare New Player

    OMG....quit all the whining. Downtime is to be expected. Get over it. Some people.
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  14. Nuclear Winter Well-Known Player

    This is excellent news, way to go Dev team!!
  15. Certainlogic New Player

    Hmm extended time. At least they didn't bring it up for 15 mins, then immediately shut it down again.
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  16. DR.Hades New Player

    lol. I did pvp with someone that was crying and want's them to nerf rage. rage is not that OP
  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    Ok new stuff in dcuo=new problems. Happens EVERY time. Really curious as to why we have a test server when it seems the issues are not worked out b4 the new stuff hits live. Hope this downtime ends soon.
  18. Lacedog Loyal Player

    saw the updated notes, thanks again!
  19. BossMac New Player

    i truly appreciate it...ill be joining in soon if its still down..clocking out now
  20. RedGreenShow New Player

    I hope they fix hard light with this extra 2 hours they're taking in there
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