Server Downtime - July 23, 2014 - Game Update 39!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 22, 2014.

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  1. owlman New Player

    My thanks.
  2. The dark knight New Player

    fire hasn't improved as it is on test right now.
    GU39: Fire Update
    I really wish you'd work further on fire before going live with GU39 :(
    • Like x 4
  3. The Ski Active Player

    O Goodie Thanks, Dancing On Air, If Only I Could Float
  4. BumblingB I got better.

    Thanks Mepps for informing us.
    Thanks Devs for bringing this to us.

    I'm still upset about the way prestige is handled, way too many restrictions that hurt small leagues and developed players, but a league hall is nice to have.

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  5. TrueOlympus New Player

    That prestige thing overshadows my excitement for league halls unfortunately. Knowing that my small league could take a month to get a hall is a downer. plus the 75% drop in earning for only a single tier still seems cruelly steep. The small changes to fire is the only thing i'm excited for.

    I am though thankful for the changes they did make to fire.
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  6. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Do slim auras come with GU39 as well?
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  7. Jackson Burns New Player

    Yes, FINALLY. League halls!
  8. Canadian Justice Committed Player

    So no fix to Inferno or even a simple comment that it is "working as intended"?

    Looks like fire gets another half complete update.
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  9. Gomezness New Player

    Hope the 1.5k league member loss is worth it...
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  10. Player X New Player

    i think you will survive...
  11. NCR RANGER New Player


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  12. Gargamond Dedicated Player

  13. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    You're not going to lose members. You just can't add more people. So, really, you're better off than any other league. You will reach prestige capacity in hours after reset every week.
  14. 6000Degree New Player

    All that feedback to fire... went to ashes ( pun )
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  15. BendingBars New Player

    nice to see we are one step closer to sp listing lol.
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  16. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Everyone suffers so a power can be worked upon a little bit more? No.
  17. Ramonater New Player

    you are correct:( yet i am hoping you are wrong lol
  18. TrueOlympus New Player

    Well think about it this way.... Fire has been suffering for a year and 5 months, and will continue to suffer until we get out "revamp". You guys would have been suffering for an extra week of so ;)
    • Like x 2
  19. farfarmans New Player

    i hope that sony could fix error 1004 so i also can try out the update
    • Like x 1
  20. farfarmans New Player

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