Server Downtime - January 7, 2021 - 10th Anniversary Event

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 6, 2021.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    All worlds will be taken offline at 5:30AM PT on January 7, 2021, to launch the Attack of the Anti-Monitor 10th Anniversary Event. Downtime may last up to 8 hours.

    The full update notes will be posted in the Live Update Notes subforum when available.

    Update: All worlds are now online!
    • Like x 18
  2. rimvader Well-Known Player

    Let's Do This!![IMG]
    • Like x 4
  3. FreyDCUO Well-Known Player

    • Like x 2
  4. Irvynnge Loyal Player

  5. GoldenBrownDragonFire Well-Known Player

  6. DarkDayss New Player

    Will the test server be opened?
  7. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Wooo-hooo! :)
  8. feasta New Player

    the servers is open ?
  9. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    Yah some good news! ;):)
  10. ShuGaminVision New Player

  11. Rhaiu New Player

    This is gonna be good!
  12. Hamn New Player

    niceee. waiting for that
  13. sweetbabysabes Active Player

    I'm loving the fact were continuing to get stuff, but am I reading this wrong? The top says 7th-10 anniversary event? Does this mean the event only last 3 days or is this gifts for anniversary to claim gifts? I thought the anti-monitor event was the anniversary event and that normally takes more than 3 days to gather everything available.
  14. emerson brasileiro Level 30

    I wanted an upgrade to the premium account money because it has been out of date for a long time and it doesn't matter how many episodes I have bought or how much we have spent because 3k is an immense difficulty to repair a broken armor set
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  15. emerson brasileiro Level 30

    the event starts on the 7th but the birthday party is on the 11th and it's 10 years of game
  16. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Launches January 7th, this is the 10th year anniversary.
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  17. The Game Well-Known Player

    how do you read that wrong? LOL
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You are interpreting the hyphen wrong. The downtime is ON the 7th FOR the 10th anniversary event (not 7th to the 10th). The event normally runs about a month ending Feb 1 or slightly thereafter, regardless of what the date shows when started.

    The actual 'anniversary' for the game is the 11th, so likely we'll see the event start, then in a few days get whatever 'gift' we are getting or maybe a membership sale...or maybe nothing. Either way, I wouldn't expect to be fully informed till the 11th at least.
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  19. sweetbabysabes Active Player

    Yeah, I deserve the sarcasm, I did read that wrong and looked at the hyphen as 7th-10, not downtime on the 7th for the 10 anniversary lmao. My bad, it was a quick glance and much like IRL, I don't pay attn to how many decades old I am, I just enjoy my time. My bad and thanks to both, the nice answers and the sarcastic ones. I deserved both :p
    • Like x 1
  20. FazlaBakmaKafaYapar Well-Known Player

    Dc Universe Online Enters The New Year 01.01.2021