Server Downtime - January 7, 2020 - Anniversary Event

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 6, 2020.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    All servers will be taken offline at 6:00AM PT on January 7, 2020, for an update. Downtime may last up to 2 hours.

    This update features the 2020 Attack of the Anti-Monitor Anniversary Event.

    The full update notes will be posted in the Live Update Notes forum when they are available tomorrow.
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  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Just an FYI there is no live update notes in that link you posted. Unless I’m blind which I may very well be
  3. Eve YouTuber

    He linked to the forum section where he will post them when the updates notes are ready to be posted. It's not available yet.
  4. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    after game is back on they will post so that they can say exactly what made it into the game. They used to post before but certain things didnt make it in and well...with this community, it’s a death sentence to make mistakes!
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  5. Shelly Active Player

    The full update notes will be posted in the Live Update Notes forum when they are available tomorrow. He said tommorrow its available
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  6. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Extended downtime?
  7. Jester New Player

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  8. ARMY TANK Well-Known Player

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  9. xXDarkDuivelXx New Player

    is it still offline?
  10. powerwoman274 Well-Known Player

    They are adding the anniversary event, its probably taking longer than expected it should be up today though
  11. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    If they need more time least give a eta
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  12. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    Mepps probably sat on his mouse guys lol that's why there's no red text say game down for maintenance....
  13. powerwoman274 Well-Known Player

    Yes i agree lol but Mepps is unpredictable
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  14. TheDrone Well-Known Player

    I'm pretty sure everyone here knows that. You know ... being the title of the post.

    This is what happens when you repeatedly use the phrase "Downtime may last up to 2 hours." People expect it to last UP TO 2 hours. When it goes past there, people get grumpy. Now, had they used the phrase "Downtime may last more than 2 hours", people wouldn't be asking why it's not back up yet.
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  15. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

  16. Vicious Well-Known Player

    lol, yes they would.
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  17. DarkGenDai New Player

  18. WADE Well-Known Player

    chill server will be up when they get it running
  19. TheDrone Well-Known Player

    Well, they'd be asking "when will it be back" rather than "why isn't it back yet". More inquisitiveness and less grumpiness.
  20. powerwoman274 Well-Known Player

    Right, i like how it went from "Downtime may last up to 8 hours" to "Downtime may last up to 2 hours" the devs are never on time, but patience is always good too