I have a question lets say im troll specced i go in a 4s deathmatch i finish it i leave group & i wanna switch to dps stuff via armory will i be able to do that on the spot or do i have to wait amount of time because i was in pvp ?
i have a question about base items placement. how do u lock in free placement mode to put items any were u want?
Place 10 items then free placement will unlock. The blue circles will still show up then too but you won't be restricted to them.
kinda sucks,this releases on the morning i dont have anything to do! ill be sitting here waiting for the server to come back online xD but im excited! i wont have a problem trolling anymore,considering i wont have to respec anymore ^_^
Its 10 on PS3/4, I thought. Maybe its different on PC as they are allowed to place more items too (PS;100. PC;200)? Not sure though. My memory isn't the best
awww that sucks right in the middle of killing both flashes killed 1st one 2nd one had like 10 health and it DC'd
It's 20 items for both PC and PS3/4. I am on the PS4 and just recently created an alt and had to keep saving all the base items I didn't want just to get 20 so I could unlock free placement for the feat points.
This game is becoming nothing but one "hotfix" after the other... I'm going back to SWTOR...soon as my membership expires here
Mepps: In your initial post you state that Armories are a new type of base amenity. Will this count toward our 4 amenity limit on placing them in our base? If so will you all revisit raising that limit at some future date? Thanks for your hard work & keeping us informed.