Server Downtime - February 3, 2015 - Game Update 44 + Amazon Fury Part II!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. akaivy Dedicated Player

    • Like x 4
  2. Crn Well-Known Player

    Daaaaaaaang, I took a day off for this man. Oh well, back to sleep. Hahahaha.
  3. Creape New Player

    i hope hard light wont be as OP as it is atm....
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  4. Blaqgui New Player

    I know that the down time will be like 10+ hours.... thats why I took off work for TOMORROW! :D
    Im ready to spend at least 4k of my replays :cool:
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  5. Viking Woman New Player

    Great, so another day where our money goes to waste?
    And its only 5 days since the last big update, that took forever. :rolleyes: I've never experienced so many downtimes on any other online games :rolleyes:
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  6. L T Devoted Player

    Have you tried the test launcher? Granted, you'd only get access to test but it's slightly different from the normal launcher.
  7. DECEPTICON-UK New Player

    And so it begins ......
    See u all at 10pm ( uk time ) lol:)
  8. buddah Well-Known Player

    I am glad I am at work right now. Hopefully I can get on right after.
  9. AvatarOfStealth Well-Known Player

    Awesome, as a quantum troll(since it dropped) it'll be refreshing to see new aspect of quantum. Its nice that they're finally being ore accurate about downtime, i figured it would take at least 8 hours. Looks a good day to work out and do some 2-3 hour battlefield matches.
  10. Vic10 New Player

  11. Ramonater New Player

    Ill be looking for you in league bro. LETS KILL THIS DLC lol. I am a bit hyped if you haven't noticed
  12. ZEROKILLEER Well-Known Player

    :eek: Combined Hero and Villain Brokers
    now this will be fun to see how those overpriced items for each side compete for the best price around..
  13. IIClark KentII New Player

    I know I am a bit late to the party...but 8hrs? Alright..
  14. Comediax New Player

    If it takes more than 8 hours, I don't care, as long as when they open it back up, the game runs like it's supposed to.

    I'd rather they shut it down for an extended period and make sure it's all up to code, instead of shutting it down every day for a couple hours to fix the stuff they broke during the rush.
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  15. Varda Elbreth New Player

    FFS ppl. you act like any of this is a surprise. I been playing for 2 months and already expect that stuff no reason to cry about it. secondly I was free and figured this out before paying. all online anything will have downtime. let me guess the same ones crying now are the same as the ones crying last week but yet still the ones that cry when they wanted a name that was taken or have been complaining about how long its taken for the new dlc. you greedy lil ***** cant have it your way all the damn time. I knew the game issues I paid anyway and money well freaking spent, let me see anyone rent a game elsewhere and have as much to do for 15 bucks a month or less, not happening. its more agitating to come on here to see what the devs have to say about things and have to search through page upon page of lil 2 yr olds crying cuz they didn't get there way. either make your own thread titled complaints about down time.....OR GROW THE **** UP.
  16. Lara Kal-El New Player

    The ONLY time I have to play on a daily basis is in the mornings is between 6am and 8am. Other than than I NEVER have time for this game. I hate it that EVERY patch date happens in the early morning! I don't have an extremely availability schedule to play this game like others do. I have a life and DCUO is like my morning coffee. No coffee this morning...oh well... guess I need to bother myself to play WAY before I wake up on update days. I'm also forced to wait all day for a DLC I CAN'T EVEN ACCESS... Stupid DLC garbage. DLCs are just a ruse to get more money from their players...
    • Like x 1
  17. ZEROKILLEER Well-Known Player

    • Created a new guaranteed vault mark drop, based on your Combat Rating.
    o Players will now get Marks of Triumph for Tiers 1 through 5 and a Mark of Fury for Tier 6.
     Tier 1: 1 Mark of Triumph
     Tier 2: 5 Marks of Triumph
     Tier 3: 25 Marks of Triumph
     Tier 4: 125 Marks of Triumph
     Tier 5: 625 Marks of Triumph
     Tier 6: 1 Mark of Fury:eek::oops::rolleyes::mad::(
  18. Blue Surge New Player


    Blue Surge
  19. IIClark KentII New Player

    Honestly, I'm just excited to have something more to look forward to once my CR gets to 106. It's growing faster than I expected and I expect to be there soon. :)
  20. Varda Elbreth New Player