Carnage is good news Looks like im going to be upgrading my nature toons skillpoints after all... I want to see what its like having carnage up 100 percent of the time in wolf form, and im tempted to try out the new improved sorc on my main lol... why not I already have another t5 rage tank toon to work on anyway. I love how versatile I can be with this game and how each game update opens up new stuff to try out so the game stays fresh and interesting. Gj, thx for the new skillpoint stuff too.
I think I saw the thread. Gave it a thumbs up, but couldn't convey my disdain for the node match. Played a scrimmage on it... wasn't impressed to say the least. Would've been a lot better if they had just fixed the CTF map. Plenty of death matches and not enough objectives (the what... one we do have is broken but in constant rotation). Node matches are barely any different from death matches... I would be even happier to get the PvP content I paid for when I bought Last Laugh. F2P can keep the minimal rotations, but at least give the premiums who bought the dlc and legendary members what we pay for. Try implementing seasons in PvE and see how well that goes over...
I can rant on here about why not give the time also in CET so the european players know when de servers are down, but it's no use. For the European players here's the downtime:
I am very excited. I just need 1 more on Moon base for a feat and a sp. LOL. very stoked. I am curious to see how Sorcery turns out. I used to be sorcery for a long time. @time2comehome?
I just hope I can get the Green Aura... Oh, and may I please get the Utility Trinket out of A&B, please and thank you...
Those are all 25 point feats currently, they are the PvP style feats like Punchline/Android for Villains. I assume they will change them to 50 pointers each so if you already have them both it will net you an extra 50 points.
·7000 is now the maximum number of players that can be in any single league. What exactly happened that made this change needed?
So...where is the Troller love? We need more vit or at least increase the rate of speed at which our PoT regenerates. People asking for 100+ CR for T5 alerts/raids is bit harsh. I am 95 CR with 1600+ vit and I am stuck grinding T5 duos cus my vit is "too low". With Rage dps and Electric heals/dps being in the same group is a bit complicated for a Troller to keep the power output at a decent rate. So either rework Trollers or rework the power cost of those powers attacks. Green Aura? Yay! But couldn't you have taken the time to do something a bit more useful? Please take this into thought for the next update. Thank you.
So...I got whirlwind fashion already...will I be awarded the additional 25 points retroactively? Yay! Hmm...that seems weird. I'm pretty active in this forum but haven't come across too many sorcery threads, while there are tons of threads dealing with the nerfing of fire DPS and the huge disadvantages that fire tanks have over other tank classes, and equally many threads concerning the disadvantages of electricity, but still in one of the FNL shows, Jens said that there are no power revamps planned for Fire and/or electricity. How does that go together with listening to user feedback? Or is this a misconception of the word revamp that I have? Like, does decreasing the power cost for elec or re-buffing Fire DPS not fall under the term "revamp"?
ima give it a test if returns sorc to the trash it was pre update , the games getting uninstalled, i personally dont understand how they updated sorcery and made it good, and taking away the same burst heal they gave to us 2 patches ago
The elusive Utility has eluded me on my healer as well. I wasn't lucky enough to run during the first week when drop rates seemed more player friendly
really lol if you have that many ppl its time to call it ends on your league anyways because its 75% + dead weight most likely...
so does watcher heal DPS while in DPS stance or no? as watcher is or was the healer pet. if so whats keeping ppl from even going sorc healer if they get the pet that heals them, seems like their wanting to weed out healers granted my main is not healer but my alt is
Don't think I ever been excited for something this much video game wise I so cannot wait to get off work today!!