Server Downtime - August 6, 2014 - Halls of Power Part I

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 4, 2014.

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  1. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    I am hoping someone posts when we can start downloading the update... also, hopefully this one isn't another OUTRAGEOUS 4GB download on the PS4. Last month we went from a standard roughly 8GB size, which then we'd only download the necessary components, to a 12GB file size, which meant an additional 4GB download for the components.
  2. WickedRhys Well-Known Player

    yh the downtimes for EU customers is always during peak times aswell.
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  3. WickedRhys Well-Known Player

    The ps4 update can now be downloaded
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  4. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    It is actually pretty standard for larger online games to go down for extended periods of time for larger updates. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn will down for quite a long time for 0.X updates and both PSN and XBL go down when a major change/addition is needed or for regular maintenance. Larger updates will generally have a long downtime for quite a few online games. It is just mainly to make sure nothing possible could go wrong or players complaining to customer support that their problems are related to the update that is progress.

    Generally speaking an online game is played by users in all timezones opposed to a North American business that is really only active between, say, 7 AM - 12 PM ET.

    As for the downtime yesterday that was for all SOE titles and generally planned well in advance. SOE Live is right around the corner too so if the DLC is not released today it probably won't be released for a couple of weeks due to their higher level staff attending.

    Whether this explanation is acceptable to your work style or not I thought sharing how other online games work with larger updates. I can name a few more but you should get my point.
  5. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    All Access gives you, well, all access to SOE online games for one price. Nothing more, nothing less. The Terms of Service of each game clearly illustrate the right to take down the game(s) when applicable. ;)
  6. thc2much New Player

    ty for the heads up
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  7. Silverback1973 New Player

    It will get removed for sure, I made the exact point yesterday and mine comment was promptly removed lol
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  8. WonderValkyrie New Player

    thanks, getting ps4 on now to start it
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  9. Silverback1973 New Player

    And here we go again lol
  10. ReAni Mator New Player

    Yh there have been a lot of interruptions of late but at the end of the day there are so many different parties involved in a game being online and regularly serviced that it gets kinda pointless to point fingers and get upset over it. Don't get me wrong, I get frustrated, but I no longer assume to know where that anger should be accurately aimed, and blowing off at ppl without actually knowing who's really at fault (if at all) ends up making me feel like an *** hole.

    P.S .. Hoping no jinx here, but I get the feeling it may be an earlier reboot rather than a later one this time round :0
  11. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    Nice... the DL is only 1500MB... much better than the roughly 4GB of last update.
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  12. BloodyCarnage New Player

    Grrrr this is really put me from uk ,yesterday its wholeday server was down for me and its today to grrr whyyyyyy.Sony whyy please reduce the time of updates and please the time of ur updating is my playing time its mean its evening, the current time is 14.10 now.i cant wait for 6hours ,its night for me .im not playing at night pleasee .im sorry but i feel really angry now.
  13. WickedRhys Well-Known Player

    think it will be back up around 17.00 since the servers went down an hour and a half early.
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  14. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    pc? ps? eu? us?
  15. Robbiiee New Player

    But what they said wasn't false. You pay for a service provided by SOE, in return, they maintain said service by giving downtimes, yesterday was an SOE-wide downtime, today, is a downtime to improve your gaming experience.

    If your phone provider is doing updates/maintenance on their phone lines and your service is affected, do you phone them saying "why am I paying for a service I don't use"? No, you don't.

    Yes, its unfortunate that it has to be done, but I'd rather it get done than encounter problems during SOE live when there is very few members of staff that can work on it...
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  16. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    oh no... now i have to work, or read a book, or interact with real people... oh... the horror of it all... i might even have to RELAX and sip a cold drink in the shade while listening to some music!
  17. Robbiiee New Player

    There's 365 days in a year, 2 days without DCUO won't hurt... Calm down, it'll be fine
  18. ReAni Mator New Player

    No way, once again, don't wanna jinx it, but the character selection launch pad is already up...LETS GO DC whooooooooooooooooo ;)
  19. CLSDClown New Player

    [IMG] Let the complaining begin!
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  20. shadowstorm New Player

    my download just finished XD
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