Server Downtime - August 6, 2014 - Halls of Power Part I

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 4, 2014.

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  1. Markus31102 New Player

    also für den EU Server heißt das wir etwa um 18:00 wieder spielen können
    super ganzer nachmittag versaut
  2. thc2much New Player

    bummer had a nice day of leveling planned :(
  3. ErnieB Loyal Player

    you know this is another 12h shutdown day.
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  4. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Well the game went down an hour early, happens. now lemme see 4:30 am + sony's 6 hours = 2:30 pm Yep I should be out of work by then.
  5. SheerFaith Committed Player

    2 Days in a row?!..Seriously Guys you need to manage this a bit wiser.
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  6. Worldkiller New Player

  7. Kaiowas Nomad Active Player

    Why the hell U write 5:30 am, when U shut down waaay ealier than that, it makes no sence. !?!?? Stick to the times U given us or edit the damn post !!!!!
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  8. kajutsu New Player

    It's funny how every update and dlc anoncement thread became a complain thread!!!

    "NO NO NO! don't bring the new content, so i can do my duos!!!"
  9. WonderValkyrie New Player

    people complain when there is no new conrtent released fast enough, then they complain when the game is taken down to add the new content, lol. Never change DCU!
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  10. Dark Khal New Player

    I understand the need for server shutdowns for updates and maintenance, but I have to agree about the irritation of the server shutting down an hour and a half earlier than posted, with no updates on the forum. Overall, I love this game, and have enjoyed playing it for several years, and am usually irritated by the complaints I see about the servers having to shut down, even though they always seem to happen on one of my days off work when I have the free time to play. This time, however, I am on the side of those complaining. Why was the server shutdown early, without any notice given before hand?
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  11. Abbigorr New Player

    You do know that there are many notifications in game(chat window), starting 30 minutes before server shut down, right?
  12. DarkDragonPrince New Player

    Always love new things so woot woot.
  13. nonamesleft456 New Player

    I take it all of these server shutdowns happen at US friendly times. It's early evening here is Australia and I don't get a chance to play too often. This is a deal breaker for me.
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  14. xkillarxpantex New Player

  15. Kensama New Player

    Ready for ACTION..:p
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  16. BigAl Devoted Player

    I'll take 10 hours if it means new content to run.
  17. ErnieB Loyal Player

    and you know they said it would shut down at 5:30 and not 4:00, right?
  18. Zio New Player

    So the time right now is 05:06 am PDT right? Meaning around 03:00 pm PDT will the servers be back up or have I found wrong information?
  19. Atom Radiation New Player

    Look, i understand everyone position in here, but as IT Professional i cant understand those downtimes.

    I mean, when working on critical environments, we dont have the option of interrupt the systems for hours like DCUO does.

    SOE should have ways to update content without stop the services, in most business environments, we have 3 levels of servers to ensure the 24/7 services running.

    DEV (Development) Environment:

    Is a where the devs works, they can changed whatever they wants, reboot anytime, do changes and apply new stuff to check the system behavior.

    QA (Quality) Environment:

    Here only cosolidate changes can be applied, only finished updates will run on QA, but changes and reboots can be done to check possible fix for bugs, as long this stills the exacly copy of the production server for testing purposes.

    PRD (Production) Environment:

    Here is where costumers are, only quality approved changes can be applied, no reboots, this environment needs power, airflow, hardware and software redundacy to ensure the better uptime of services, also VMWare VMotion kind of stuff can be very useful to prevent problems.

    So following this guidelines, with solid infraestructure and planned devel, no need to have so much downtime to updated content, i mean if you have a QA Environment, EXACLY equal to the PRD, theres no reason to believe in failure on PRD, if goes well on QA.

    Something like that.
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  20. ErnieB Loyal Player

    at this point any possible downtime is pure speculation, just get ready for 12 hours just in case.
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