Server Downtime - August 6, 2014 - Halls of Power Part I

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 4, 2014.

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  1. The K-os X Active Player

    dont let the game bugs bite ya XD
  2. Death Caliber Active Player

    The server goes down every morning at 7am est/4am pst,but usually when they have a scheduled downtime this close ,they skip the daily shutdown.Leads me to think theres either something wrong or they just wanna start the download with a refreshed server.Dunno....We'll see
  3. Kuno Loyal Player

    Even earlier downtime.
    Even more downtime after (wanna bet?)
    7-8 hours mantenaince downtime yesterday (for EU PC at least)
    DC Universe Offline
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  4. Smiler New Player

    ******* hell. i was looking forward to playing tonight...
  5. Barbzilla New Player

    I'm happy the DLC is launching today, but when you make a schedule, please stick to it. I have to work all evening, and I was trying to get my auctions up before the server went down. So I wake up at 7am EST to set my auctions only to find that you jumped the gun by an hour and a half.
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  6. Smiler New Player

    lol DC Universe Offline... hehehe
  7. ErnieB Loyal Player

    LOL this is already getting off on the wrong foot, lol it will be a long day indeed.
  8. FasstViis New Player

    Hy the EU PC is down?
  9. GM Production New Player

    Come on... what? close the game every day?
  10. Markus31102 New Player

    Was ist jetzt wieder los ich hab gerade einen neuen Charakter machen wollen
  11. WickedRhys Well-Known Player

    Yh EU customers always get downtime during the peak hours :(
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  12. Markus31102 New Player

    Was für ein Spiel soll das ehrlich sein ich hab es gerade mal seit 2 Tagen und hab schon genug von den Ausfallzeiten was soll das
    das ist UNÖTIG
  13. Dalae Well-Known Player

    ...maybe we are lucky and DLC comes 90 min earlier too...:rolleyes:
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  14. Liko2k New Player

    COME ON!! In the middle of the day??? And after I spent 40 minutes creating my first character it will be not saved!...This does not seem good for future of this game....
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  15. Markus31102 New Player

  16. WickedRhys Well-Known Player

    Lets hope so especially if your an EU customer we always get awful downtimes, always during the peak time.
  17. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Except this happened pretty much with each Game Update and DLC. So.... yeah. ;)
  18. ErnieB Loyal Player

    K so it seems (judging by the red banner at the main page) it is for the DLC, but you could have told us you where taking it down 90 minutes before the scheduled time, many players where hoping to squeeze some extra hours thanks to the expectation that there wasn't going to be a daily shut down at 4.
  19. WickedRhys Well-Known Player

    The earlier the better
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  20. Acidwyrm New Player

    Can we start counting 6 hours from now?
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