Server Downtime - August 6, 2014 - Halls of Power Part I

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 4, 2014.

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  1. Silverback1973 New Player

    Well you need adjustments look again at your post lol and yes I made assumptions but only after you made them of me. Like I said before I pay money for this game therefore I reserve the right to complain and shouldn't have to be insulted or harassed by imbeciles for exercising that right. Good day!
  2. Flavian Committed Player

    Honestly, only a lawyer would try to claim differentiating a violation of federal law with not violating a federal law as splitting hairs :p

    1. I never specified cellphone, what was mentioned before was phone service.
    2. Cellphone companies must give you notice before disconnecting your service if it is possible, failure to do so is a violation of federal law. No cellphone contract in the United States supports your claim. There are few exceptions - all of them dealing with unexpected service outages. Those are the ONLY exceptions.

    edit: just FYI for you - I recently had an issue with CenturyLink and received confirmation from the FCC that a service outage conducted by CenturyLink which was NOT unexpected, was indeed a violation of federal law. So, I do have recent experience on this topic of discussion and I am filing a complaint against them with the proper authorities (both state and federal). There are a lot of regulations over telecommunications, and I suggest you do your research.
  3. Rogue Marth New Player

    well im currently queued in at no.3 in the log in screen anyone else in yet
  4. denverweise Well-Known Player

    *of which you know nothing.* Never end a sentence with a preposition. =]
  5. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    What is "that"? You didn't quote a post you were responding to!
  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Since the downtime is complete and we're way off topic, this thread is now locked.
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