Game Update 127 All worlds will be taken offline at 5:30 AM PT on August 3, 2022, to launch Game Update 127. Downtime may last up to 8 hours. Game Update 127 primarily prepares the game for Survival Mode, to launch later this month. The full update notes will be posted in the Live Update Notes subforum when available. Update: All worlds are now online.
I heard it's like waves of enemies and the more waves you can survive, the better the prizes. I've never played it though so I'm not too sure how true that is or to the extent.
Survival Mode for this game is an Event where you queue into a Survival Mode instance group and try to survive the bosses. It is not infinite; there are a certain amount of instances to beat (I think it is 30) in order to be considered top of the pile and earn the best rewards. There are special vendors only available in Survival Mode; one vendor is available to everyone and the items can be obtained with Data Chips (which you have to buy if you dont participate). The other vendor is only for players who participate in Survival Mode and those items are more exclusive; you receive Data Chips for surviving each survival mode round. You have to meet the minimum CR to participate and the bosses are well beyond Elite+ hard and very unforgiving so it is a good idea to be properly geared and pay attention to mechanics. The LFG channel will be filled with Survival Mode requests, as it is a good idea to get into a pre-made group. Pugging Survival Mode is for those who love extreme pain and who are extremely patient.
Sounds like I'll maintain my distance from this game until the next episode. It sounded fun but not from what you just said. I don't have maxed artifacts and only 180 skill points. I'm not about to get fussed at by some puglord dweller cause I don't have everything maxed lol.
It's mainly for the end game players who are either very competitive or complain the game is too easy. There are no skill points or higher level gear gained in this content, just unique base items, styles, pets, etc as rewards. Nice to haves as opposed to must haves.
I just want to clarify that while it does get harder the further you go through the rounds, the early rounds (1-10) are pretty low difficulty and quite pug-friendly IMO. It does get more hardcore in the later rounds but don't be afraid to give the first few rounds a shot and see if you like it.
just out of curiosity, will this update mean the end of the Booster Bundles or do we still have them for another week or or two?
Yea but remember obsidianchill made a video talking about how easy the first couple bosses were so they buffed it and what would’ve took 20 minutes would probably take a hour or something like that
survival mode is a team of 8 put into a ring and have to fight waves of enemies from all sides. sounds fun!
Just a correction: It's actually 6 players this time and was 4 players the last two seasons of Survival Mode.
sooo this update reduces the source marks friom doomsday raid and the sunstone matrix now too whats the problem daybreak are you scared ppl reach something without buy sourcemarks from marketplace.....god this game is an joke
The bosses' health originally was abnormally low, as if it was scaled for a smaller group size. Obsidian, as well as others, left feedback pointing this out. The feedback - and the subsequent buff - was about the health pools, not any other aspect of difficulty (mechanics, etc.). They buffed the health way too much and are going to tune it down. I'm confident that the final health pools will be perfectly reasonable. So I stand by my original comment: don't be afraid to try SM if you're at all interested in it as the first 10 rounds are likely to be very pug-friendly. If it's not your thing, that's fine too. Thank you for the flash in the taskbar, I had asked for it, I don't know if it was considered from there, but in any case, happy to have this comfort on DCUO !!!