Downtime Server Downtime - August 24, 2016 - Game Update 63 and Time Capsules!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 23, 2016.

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  1. Zneeak Devoted Player

    What you don't seem to understand is adding these existing, exclusive items to the marketplace will probably hurt business more than you will earn from it, since most people already have most of the auras tied to those older bundles. NEW items going directly to the marketplace is something i 100% support, because that means that everyone gets what they want from the start, without having to pay a silly amount of money AND without others getting robbed on something they had to pay a silly amount of money for...
  2. Dargarth New Player

    Happy dancing!
  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    See thats what Im suggesting OG nimbus, OG plasmic/smoke/radiant ect to be added to MP but at a steep price fitting for the aura obviously.

    Yet there are people on these forums who refuse to see these auras see the MP.
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  4. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    We still need to wait. The Catwoman screen came up. So the US Server is not ready, yet. I just now
    DL'ed the update. Give it time.
  5. WEBMKDS New Player

  6. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Yea god forbid the developers make their paying customers happy for once huh? This isn't the 1st nor will it be the last time this topic comes up I assure you.

    Theres more ppl passing on luck based items then there is ppl who buy them JS.
  7. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    Youre insulting yammer that keeps insisting its the players fault auras and other offerings were handled completely wrong by this game is directing ire at the wrong people. But being ignorant you cant fathom that...smiley heads??? Sure...:confused:...why not...
  8. SparklingMayo Well-Known Player

    Life lesson: Louis C.K. Teaches his daughter that life is not fair.
  9. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    Downloaded and waiting. Release the Kraken!

    Still Down
  10. GeorgeBoom Level 30

    if every time every maintenance or new episode, event is 8 hours that means you shoud atleast give some Marks or DC Cash to every one! because we pay to play, but we cant play.... sooo ????
  11. Willb531 Level 30

    OK. You need to look at this like Star Trek and how Scotty got the name Miracle Worker:

    Kirk: Scotty, how soon can you get the Warp Core on-line?
    Scotty: Captain. it will take at least 2 days to make the repairs.
    Kirk: Scotty, in 1 hour we'll all be dead if you don't get the Warp Core back on-line.
    Scotty: Captain, I'll do what I can.

    59 Minutes Later....
    Scotty: Captain, the Warp Core is back on-line but I don't know if she'll hold. Be gentle with her.
    Kirk: No promises. Scotty, your a miracle worker.

    Scotty knew it would take less than a hour to fix it.
    A good Engineer will always give him or her self a cushion. That way when they get it completed sooner. Everyone is happy.

    So relax. The Miracle Workers is on it.
  12. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    I think, the reason the game isn't up, yet is because the devs are doing some final testing on the new
    update. I expect us to have to wait 8 to 12 full hours for this.
  13. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    Classic Mepps. He just straight up asked the bemoaned, "What did the five fingers say to the face?"
  14. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    So instead you think they should just screw the people who were here at the time, and spent $100+ to get these EXCLUSIVE* items? That's not going to upset anybody and make them quit the game, taking their money with them, is it?

    *Yep, the devs said they were exclusive. Going back on that would just mean that nobody would trust them ever again.
  15. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Lol. You keep ignoring the part that ruins your own statement. "Make their paying customers happy". I assure you that the hundreds of PAYING CUSTOMERS who spent a fortune combined to get these auras introduced in Booster Bundles will not be happy seeing the same auras they had to spend a silly amount of money to get, turning up in the Marketplace now. Most people will feel cheated on and wonder why in the heck they didn't just introduce it into the marketplace first hand, something people have been asking for for years now.

    You simply can't introduce a silly RnG Gamble-system that pretty much forces people to spend a lot of money to get the stuff they want, and then just turn around and release it on the marketplace some time afterwards. It needs to get implemented into the marketplace right from the start, which is something we all want. Why not focus on that instead of selfishly screaming for exclusive items to be put there? The devs know how chaotic the situation would be if they did put up existing, exclusive stuff on there.
  16. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    Yes, RELEASE THE KRAKEN! Classic, Liam Neeson line there.

  17. Rider58 New Player

    long.. so long...
  18. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Hell only reason it would even be remotely "chaotic" is b/c of the greedy community in this damn game. Hell in others threads which I will find the guys name, he even says he wouldn't give 2 s***s if they did it and he has some of the OG aura's. Its amazing that other people can't be more willing to look past their own ego/pride sometimes especially in a MMO.
    • Like x 1
  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Yes b/c those people will actually leave, I've seen same people claim to say they will stop playing yet are here years and years later still. Its a front to get their way nothing else.
  20. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    I'm sure we'll see the announcement about the game update, soon. I hope.
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