Downtime Server Downtime - April 6, 2016 - Episode 23, Game Update 59, and Survival Mode!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 5, 2016.

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  1. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Same here massive lag. Think you put it up too early
  2. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    I got no lag at all. Which is surprising since mine always seems to lag a bit lately. Finished the Duo with no issues, it may be everybody running in to check it out though.
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  3. Graviton Well-Known Player

    I don't use twitter, Just have a nose for pattern recognition. Like I said , first Wednesday of the month. I'm gonna assume that ps3 comment was for the other person you quoted ,lol. I do think an earlier announcement would be better though...not disagreeing with that part. If you're an avid player however, I don't see how after over 6 months of the same day being dlc day , you have not noticed.
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  4. Krossssss Well-Known Player

    Does anyone know when the springtime event is due to come out?
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