Downtime Server Downtime - April 6, 2016 - Episode 23, Game Update 59, and Survival Mode!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 5, 2016.

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  1. WADE Well-Known Player

    probably gonna get haters for this but.......
    there is life out side of dcuo....
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  2. Zakarius420 Active Player

  3. VierraVoltage Well-Known Player

    see I'm not the only one
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  4. Original Master New Player

    Yh... "there is a life out side dcuo" i agree with you, yet here you are :cool:
  5. Zakarius420 Active Player

    AHAHAHAHAHAHA original, so true rofl
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  6. nega88 New Player

    And this happens just when i have time to play some DCUO. I guess bad luck..
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  7. Boston Phantom Well-Known Player

    Another day off, and another day this game is down for something. Why can't they do these updates on a Monday or a Tuesday when I'm at work?
  8. Chicken Well-Known Player

    Why are they messing around with the tutorial on the ship again? I mean seriously if its too hard for people to get off the ship which they have already nerfed, then maybe this game isn't for them. My 9 year old nephew has 0 problems with it. It just seems like a waste of time for a dev to mess with.

    p.s. How much longer are the Clover bombs going to be dropping? The seasonal ended the 28th and yet I'm still getting them.
  9. WADE Well-Known Player

    because then the people off on those days would complain like your doing now
  10. Zakarius420 Active Player

    i know how u feel nega88, just finished work, hoping to play and POOF DOWNTIME! now i cant play, gotta go sleep soon and i lose yet another gaming day. i understand the whole policy of us agreeing and that it states we might lose time for updates but when its been like 5-10 times. thats almost half a month that we paid for in the long run....... wich is pretty crappy.
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  11. Chicken Well-Known Player

    Wait... what is this outside you speak of?
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  12. Geofsay New Player

    **** **** **** i just load this game and i can't play for 3 hours FOCK YOU
  13. Mattyastbo New Player

    Tbf I'm just following this forum while i do other stuff on my laptop it's not like everyone is just sat there waiting for other people to comment because that's all they can do with the servers down
  14. Dead13 Well-Known Player

    Still waiting water power. wouldn't play till you add it :mad:
  15. Mushroom Tip New Player

    Damn i guess i have some time to stroke some Mushroom tip
  16. Original Master New Player

    Finally someone who agrees with me :)
    I know why you agree, because you can use your brain while others do not and its sad :(
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  17. aortenruptur Well-Known Player

  18. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

  19. Boston Phantom Well-Known Player

    My complaint is this, which is why I said what I said....Updates done at the BEGINNING of the week makes way more sense than doing them in the MIDDLE of the week.
  20. bagofboom Committed Player

    Ahhh forums on a GU/Episode launch day. A hot bed of activity. Much of which is negativity and hate. Relax, if it hits the 24 hour mark then, and ONLY then, do you have a case (maybe) for your complaints. Otherwise, read the TOS, turn on Netflix (or something else) and check back in from time to time to see if we can log in.
    The sky ISN'T falling, the world ISN'T ending, life will resume (most likely) just as it was prior to downtime. I wish I could play too but thankfully there are other sources of entertainment for us to fill the time that we can't be *PLAYING A GAME!!* Other entertainment such as; reading these forums, playing other games, taking a nap, take two naps, READ A BOOK, write your Congressman, clean your house, hug your mom, play with your kids, make tacos, play poker, trim your toenails, do some sit ups, work on "M" Theory, draw a flip book, build a better mousetrap, gaze longingly out your window and contemplate your life.....the list is literally endless.
    High fives to those of you (us) with common sense and restraint.

    Long Live DCUO
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  21. Original Master New Player

    Oh DCUO, DCUO... Wherefore art thou DCUO...
    With all thou pay2win antics, thou hath commiteth a grievous sin against the multitude :(
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