Downtime Server Downtime - April 6, 2016 - Episode 23, Game Update 59, and Survival Mode!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 5, 2016.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Episode 23, Game Update 59, and Survival Mode!

    All servers will be taken offline at 4:00AM PDT (1:00PM CEST) on April 6, 2016, to launch member access to Episode 23, Game Update 59, and Survival Mode! Downtime may last up to 8 hours.

    Episode 23 features a new raid continuing the Kryptonian storyline and a duo, and Game Update 59 features the Loot Choice UI in all tiers and Survival Mode.

    The full update notes are now available here.
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  2. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    YES! Finally All Loot system for all content and SM Awesome! Finally! Alright okay i'm calm now. WOOOHOOOO!!!!!
  3. Patm82 Well-Known Player

    i may get back to playing more now :)
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  4. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    now i gotta rethink things.[IMG]
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  5. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Quicker than expected but i'm not complaining :).
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  6. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    2 questions about the patch notes:

    1 - Does Offering now power the Watcher ? Or is that a typo ?

    2 - Will Archiving be enabled now ? The notes mention the crash is fixed, but that's all.

    Thanks in advance.
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  7. FrostTitan New Player

    Well shoot, how am I supposed to get to maximum cr now? ;)
  8. Nutbush New Player

  9. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    Mepps.. the full elite affinity bonuses don't work in natures bug form, will this be fixed??
  10. The Horn'd One Well-Known Player

    Salvage what you can't use. Sell the mats.
  11. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    So wait guys" First time ever this has happen SM and new Episode out on same day!

    Which will you be playing???:confused:
  12. CS2016 Committed Player

    new episode

    get my feats and gear / styles out the way then I'll do SM lol
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  13. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    yeah i guess i should have seen that coming. lol
  14. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    Thanks for letting me know early, Mepps. Appreciate it. Still on for golf next week?
  15. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    Yea good luck with that (seriously). I sent a ticket and they told me to check my ps4 settings lol.. in game issue about bug form and phase shifters have nothing to do with ps4 settings! I give up.
  16. Radiohead Restored Active Player

  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Please follow up in the ticket if you still can't claim your DBC.
  18. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Hmmm, SM will hurt us non SM players, good this this is a slow month anyway, they raid doesn't really have much importance since it only drops simple items.
  19. SteHyatt Well-Known Player

    GU58 R&D Archiving? Any update on this please?
  20. light FX Steadfast Player

    I wouldnt call the weapon a simple item when its weighted the highest for cr along with chest/legs. But for me thats the only drop i care about. I will buy neck and rings from the vendor and wait for wpn and trinket to drop. And hopefully that OP neck. Got the 1rst OP neck on 3 toons before :D
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