Downtime Server Downtime - April 26, 2018 - Game Update 82!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 25, 2018.

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  1. SethAdams1992 New Player

    Actaully 5:30 PT my time is 7:30 CT so 7+6=13 which will be 1:30 PM CT now minis 2 form that the time it will be done in PT is 11:30 AM PT
  2. LastSong New Player

    • Like x 9
  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We are working through a hardware issue on the US PC/PS world. At this point, we do not expect to hit the original downtime estimate (but still about one hour left on that), and we will update when we have a new ETA.
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  4. Ironback New Player

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  5. Lethal Conflict New Player

    Wow should of worked on us before prepping up the other servers first everytime...
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  6. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    With the delay and the outrageous prices GU 82 went from legit hype to a big fail.
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  7. LastSong New Player

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  8. TheEpicCrash Active Player

    Actually still a big hype if you're not entitled.
  9. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    you expect og Stuff to be cheap that was literally a big flop in your face im sorry but these styles are pain to obtain already go look at the broker and come back to the Replays and ask which one is cheaper.
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  10. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    Damn, it's starting to get all Lord Of The Flies up in this thread!
    Simmer down folks! They stated it may take six hours before US is up and running again, so expect it to take six hours.

    Six hours from server shut down (5;30am PDT) would be:
    8:30am HST
    10:30am AKDT
    11:30am PDT
    1:30pm CDT
    2:30pm EDT

    Lol, sometimes it's like riding in the car with a bunch of damn kids...
    kid...."Are we there yet?!? Ugh, how long until we are theeere!?!"
    me..."We'll be there in six hours, now sit back and relax..."
    kid... 10 minutes later "UGGGH, ARE WE THEEERE YET?!?"
    me... "...................." Turns the music up.
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  11. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    Well if we technically already own a style shouldnt we be entitled?
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  12. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    Cheap. No. But 15 bucks for an og? Come on now not many people are going to pay that for an alt. Then when it flops we eont get phase 2 because they will say the same bs they say about putting stuff in the MP. Its another example of the devs giving us what we want with the usual money grab tactics to go with it. But i wouldnt expect one of the foremost dev apologists to understand.
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  13. qECLIPSEp Well-Known Player

    With the fact you have delayed game play and decided to do this on the first day of Double Marks weekend. Will you be extending Double Marks weekend? In all honesty this should have been done yesterday, before you started blasting out that DOUBLE MARKS WEEKEND April 26-29. When in reality some will only have it from the 27-29. This is really starting to get annoying!
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  14. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    new account, what the heck is a dev apologist seriously? no joke what is it?

    As for the style they announce it hey some styles are gonna be up there
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  15. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I'm fine with the prices. I will pay if I want to unlock one of the aura's on my alts.
    And I doubt it will cause any issues to phase 2.
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  16. LastSong New Player

    More like... Enstyled


    Ill see myself out.
  17. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    I like how dev apologists always revert to calling "new" forum members new like that hurts. Do i go around calling you baby SP?
  18. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    *sighs* and the mediocrity the pervades rollouts in these games continues.
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  19. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Wasn't the og plasmic in the first BB, that cost $20 for a chance at it? So yes, some people would pay that much (or more) to get a style in multiple characters.
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  20. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    K, you proven what kinda person you are and well you have a nice day. as for the prices they are fair deal with it.

    Dont like it dont pay for it, your option as a customer. *Drops the mic*
    • Like x 2
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