Downtime Server Downtime - April 26, 2018 - Game Update 82!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 25, 2018.

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  1. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    I have. When the lock boxes first dropped they only had the new 52 styles. When they added more stuff to the box, the hero styles that were added , majority I already had. This left me with a few of the rare styles which I have now and the villain styles which are what I want. I have dubbed them lockboxes of disappointement at this point. If I get one more hive defender piece I'll be so mad lol.
  2. Chicken Well-Known Player

    So witty. Once your not NEW can we be friends?
  3. TestReporter Loyal Player

    I believe it was expected, but i'm not sure if it's a good decision, as i said in another post, they are getting money off something that already paid itself in the past and there are people with many alts that won't buy it in more than one because of the high price, but it's their business, so...
  4. Oligonicella Well-Known Player

    Hope you know that comes across as pretty pompous. Much like shouting "newbie" in chat.
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  5. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

  6. Chicken Well-Known Player

    It's a joke.
  7. SethAdams1992 New Player

    is the US Server up now? i am a new player and want to make my charactor
  8. IamShifty Active Player

    Some bum from the forums is calling me new lol, sorry bud my original account was banned cause the devs couldn't handle constructive criticism :). Perhaps getting some sunlight rather than sitting on dcuo or these forums all day would do you some justice D:

    PS. It's you're* not your :p
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  9. Chicken Well-Known Player

    Thanks I get my sun in Metropolis.
  10. Lethal Conflict New Player

    When will us ps/pc servers go up dang
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  11. boibrion New Player

    i'm dying . .
  12. Black Eneas Active Player

    so far nothing wrong with EU. PS: for all of you wondering if styles will transfer from EU to US I will post
  13. SethAdams1992 New Player

    well i know they said it would take 6 hours when they started it at 5:30 am PT but that means it will be about 1:30 pm CT :cool:
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  14. SethAdams1992 New Player

    Nahh, it would be more like The Thinker Vs The Riddler.
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  15. MeteorShock New Player

    Server been down longer then 6 hours for usps i know cuz i calculator when the time should be back up
  16. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    Wow these prices are insane for auras. My guess is we wont be seeing phase 2 because the playerbase is not going to drop alot of money with these prices.
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  17. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    Its actually been 5 hours
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  18. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Server Went down at 5:30 PST it is ONLY 10:40PST
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  19. Ironback New Player

    Math is hard, dawg
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  20. Chicken Well-Known Player

    It really doesn't matter how long they said it will take VS when they actually do come back online. It will be up when its up.
    • Like x 3
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