SERVER DOWN 8/31/13 8:37 AM EST

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Daddio, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. Daddio New Player

    Seems the Restart broke something? Players are stuck on the waiting for character list screen. I don't think the log in and the main server are communicating with each other!
    Needs a check.
  2. Multiverse Creator League

    It`s probably your internet connection that is the problem.

    That is what all the DCUO defenders always reply when there is something wrong with the game. ;)

    The game was pretty laggy yesterday at some point..... so I am not surprised that it no longer works this morning.

    Hope they will not take too long to fix whatever is wrong.

    We shall see.
  3. Daddio New Player

    da bump MODS get hold of Someone to fix us!