Serious question for the Dev team

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Darth_Andrea, Apr 14, 2020.

  1. Darth_Andrea Well-Known Player

    When might we see the ability to move in game cash between characters on the same account?

    This is becoming a little frustrating. You already have a "Shared Bank" for characters .. just add a money slot .. how much code work could that be?

    A response of some kind would be appreciated ..
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Then they would have to test it to make sure players can't use it cheat.
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  3. Darth_Andrea Well-Known Player

    And how could you "Cheat" by moving money only between characters on your account. Put money in the Shared Bank on one toon pull it out on another .. Unless they intentionally put in a duping code there should be no problem. As the amounts wouldn't change from log off to log on. Again they already do this in Everquest, just lift the code, tweak it for this engine and Bob's Your Uncle..

    And before anyone starts going on about bypassing cash cap limits, No that wouldn't happen. The limits are hard coded into the game, if a player put more than the $2k into the shared bank, which technically they could, once withdrawn the excess would fall into the Escrow lockout. Just the same as earning that extra cash from a kill or mission would. So that is already handled by the current system.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    simply make money account bound /end

    edit; actually I'd say premium players are the only reason they're resisting that because imagine $3,000 per account for repairs rather than $3,000 per character.


    sorry couldn't resist the laugh, how appealing would the sub look then :D
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  5. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Mailing money to yourself wasn't ever ideal, and needs to remain disabled right now. We are looking into better solutions like those mentioned above.
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    Come on, I only ever stuck in the one ticket for mailing money to Proxystae :D
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  7. nawanda Loyal Player

    Are you aware that gold sellers are using the broker to transfer money to their customers?

    I have no proof of this, but there has been an ongoing trend of worthless items being listed (and selling) on broker for hundreds of millions, and this only started when mailing cash was restricted.
  8. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Umm First thing I am not quite sure what is so terrible about a player being able to mail cash from one Alt to another? But my guess would be it would in able to keep the set up we have now to TRY and curb the Gold Spammer it would require a good deal of coding and with the Dev team being smaller than years ago I can see them not wanting to take the time involved to do it. NOW .. that is a WAG (wild a$$ guess) before some one jumps on to scream about me not knowing what I am talking about its easy. LOL {special note: I am not a programmer and have no clue what all would be involved... as mentioned it is just a G U E S S}

    Next up.. I have absolutely no issue with Proxy's idea to simply make all cash account bound. Hey despite what some people in game seem to think I am just one guy sitting here at home in from of my computer. I've been shelling out real money for a subscription for YEARS so explain to me exactly why I can't access in game cash between MY alts?

    Next.. I have said it a few time myself in different threads that one easy solution would be to make it possible to stick in game cash in the shared bank. I can earn nth metal on one ALT and give it to another this way. I can take exobytes I get from salvaging armor and do the same thing. Heck I have 7 alts all above CR 290 and not long ago I went to Constantine and spent every bit or source marks they each had above 2000 on Catalyst and stuck those in the shared bank. I may never need to but one again for any character I own. So in a way isn't that sort of me sharing MARKS between alts as well? ( I know not exactly but close LOL_

    and now lastly.....

    I'm not even sure how to respond to this??? exactly how do we "test" to be sure no one can cheat by sticking in game cash in a shared bank? Last I checked the only character in the entire game that can access MY Shared Bank, aside from maybe the Dev team(???)) are my characters.. So let's see for some one to "cheat" I have to give them access to get inside my lair and then since that shared bank is not even considered one of the amenities we can grant access for anyone else to use. The ONLY way someone could get in and take money would be to create a hack to bypass game security. Now I just logged in BOTH of my account... the Legendary and the Premium and set up permission in my premium alts account so anyone I the league can enter, USE amenities and even move stuff around and guess what. I can click on the bank in the Premium alts lair but the stuff I see is the stuff in MY BANK in MY LAIR. His stuff is no where to be seen and even when I go into decorator mode .. I can MOVE the bank around but can not give myself permission to get in and take the other alt's stuff.

    In other words.. without someone creating a major hack which is illegal by the rules of the game last time I checked .. there is no way to CHEAT using a bank in a lair.
  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    That's also regular players transferring cash between their characters. I've had to do that a couple times.
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  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Not that I wish to engage in this topic but you are aware it's been done in the past? I'm simply saying I hope whatever new system they implement is unbreakable. It sucks when cheaters ruin things for other players.
  11. nawanda Loyal Player

    Other than cross-faction trading, where there is no choice, I get friends to mule my cash rather than pay 5%. It’s a shame to lose money to get it from character A to B.
  12. Elusian Crowd Control

    The only "problem" with pure account-wide cash I could see with people playing on EU and US and leeching off high amounts of US money over to the much weaker EU economy and making solid profit over there. The restriction would have to be bound on a single server each.
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  13. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    That is understandable and I agree a new method of moving our money between our characters is needed but it should have already been fixed. You all have had it disabled for months now. Not trying to sound rude or anything but it isn't unheard of for you all to just casually let stuff go on for months and even years. *Looks at LPVE feats, PVP not being addressed, Paradox portal still being disabled, etc...*
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  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It is a shame.
  15. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    I hope something is decided on soon so that the community can move forward.
    I have been avoiding using mules or bogus broker sales to get my funds sent between toons as I would think odd acvitity like that is being monitored due to the economy issues that seem to have slowly returned.
  16. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    I bought a single exo-material for 20 million. Why do people not think outside the box? There's a very easy way to get money to alts.
  17. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    How about if we only send checks, not cash?
  18. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Yeah, but it's inconvenient to do it that way when you want to transfer cash from your Main to your 24 Alts. Much easier when I just slapped their salaries in the mail. And selling 24 stupid-cheap items for millions each makes me look like a gold seller collecting cash to sell. :(
  19. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    You still didn't understand my post! Good job! Your alt puts an item up for the amount you want to send it. You rich toon buys it! Daybreak will see that and not even consider gold sellers!
  20. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    "Yeah, but it's inconvenient" seems easy to understand.