Selling of Feat's/SP

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Badname405, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. Badname405 New Player

    As a somewhat newer player I am way way way behind the curve when it comes to SP and feats.

    Recently I have started trying to work on them, but I have to be honest its a chore. After the whole level grind, then gear grind, then exobyte grind the SP grind is just a killer and a huge turn off, and i find myself starting to look into old games/other games.

    Where yes you can solo lower level feats easily, as soon as you reach a certain amount your forced to try and get groups for the rest (90-100+). Now the problem with this is most players have already done these feats as the DLC's came out and no longer need them. So your stuck eitehr begging or just hoping you get lucky to progress.

    Has SOE ever considered selling Feats, as I know once you have unlocked them on one character you can always just replay badge them on others. Id like to see the option of just buying them as Im really struggeling here.
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  2. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I'm sure they have but it ain't going to happen....

    The best you can do is buying feats for a toon on your account when a different toon on your account has already unlocked that feat.
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  3. Prosser Dedicated Player

    If they ever did this there would likely be a mass exodus from the game.
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  4. Tikkun Loyal Player

    This would create a big case of "pay-to-win" which is very frowned upon. It creates a group of players with great stats and poor skill which throws the whole game into disarray.

    The best way is to find a league that will help you or choose feats that are easily obtainable. Style feats, Races, PvP, Tokens of Merit, Speed Feats, Investigations, Briefings, and Exploration are all relatively simple to earn by yourself.
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  5. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Sorry, but, they can't!

    How pissed would some folks be if you could just buy them after it took (in some cases) years too get those feats?!

    Grind like everyone here has....

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  6. The Doctor Loyal Player

    Worst idea/suggestion ever. Really.
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  7. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    Now, now this is not the worst suggestion. The worst was yesterday when someone wanted the "Back from the hack" feat to be given every year.
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  8. tukuan Devoted Player

    I concur, hurt my neck shaking my head at that one.
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  9. The Doctor Loyal Player

    Yep, my bad
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  10. Badname405 New Player

    See the thing is everyone apposed to this idea will have already got thier feats and SP done when there were alot of people doing them. Newer people are pretty much shafted as it comes to catching up to the meta.

    Ive played a few other games, I curently have enough game cash on say eve online to play for free for 5 years. But yet i was enjoying DCUO and actualyl left Eve to play this. But like stated the feat grind really makes me consider just packing it in, waiting for h1z1 to be released and start on a equal foot to everyone else instead of playing catchup to no avail.

    Most online games struggle to retain new players as catching up to the meta is hard. Feats / SP seem to be this games hump and I feel many people lik emyself just dont have months and month of gametime to input just to be equal to others.

    Take this latest aura/bundle offer. Yeah I saw it thought ooooo shiney, then realised spending £8/$10 on it would be silly as I am NEVER going to have as good stats as others in the game unless I beg and pester others to help out a noob. Now offer me that option for x amount of SP I would eat that up so fast
  11. The Doctor Loyal Player

    No, it's actually very easy to top 100 SP on a new toon. If you aren't willing to put in the effort then you get nothing.
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  12. Badname405 New Player

    yes, but getting above 100sp takes alot of begging and pestering league members/others. You can sit there shouting in LFG "GLF more BD Clown Feat" gfor hours on end at prime time. Get 3 or 4 members, then disband after wasting all that time. Now i believe games should be fun. A game with a cash shop of any kind is already pay to win. As soon as any model with RL cash involved is introduced the game becomes pay to win. Why not add another option that wont only give newer players a very useful option in the cash shop, but also have the potential to really boost game revenue?
  13. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    The devs could just give us walk-ins for older content. Problem solved.
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  14. ReAni Mator New Player

    Probably will, you will be able to buy style packs down the track I think. Pretty sure they will go down this route, so at least the style feats will be able to be done with cash. But who knows, the dynasty packs (base items) already on marketplace yh? Once these things start they tend to get momentum over time.
  15. Flightboy New Player

  16. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    uh..make sure to work on easier feats before grindy raid feats like that clown one. I have 163 SP and I don't have that clown feat. Make sure you have everything done under the exploration tab, then move to the General and Solo tabs…Work on quicker feats first and only do the grind feats a lil @ a time. Don't burn out on it. It's a game don't take all the fun out of it for yourself. Set a goal of 80 SP, then 120 SP, then 150...

    Enjoy the journey…the destination is not as important
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  17. ermike Committed Player

    Hate to say this but probably best for you to go back to Eve. This would destroy the last shred of credibility this uber easy mmo has left
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  18. Badname405 New Player

    I have been doing this, and have already encountered 2 feats which are currently impossible to get as they are bugged. Maybe more in and around the lighthouse and police station.

    On another note, a feat overlay of some sort (like selecting which mission your on) would be helpful. Also a revamp of the lists as some locations are very missleading and take google work to decypher

    Police Science and Lighthouse cleanup are currently bugged, stopping 2 25point feats
  19. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    You know SP and gear grinding does not mean you have skill...If I go into Necropolis with a HL toon and end up doing 2x damage when compared to a Gadget player who CR is 108 and SP is 150+, there is a serious problem with the skill of the other player...
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  20. Chungweishan New Player

    Considering they sell SP for Alts, game is already pay-to-win and there hasn't been a mass exodus. I know that the Player already completed the feats on their Main, but it does serve as a paid-for convenience and advantage.

    Once a Player buys Feats for their Alts, they no longer have to grind for them. Which leaves newer players, such as Badname405, without teammates to do those Feats on his Main. Of course, if they allowed selling Feats for Mains, that leaves folks, unwilling to buy Feats, without teammates either.

    I think this is more of a case of lack of population than the ease of getting Feats. As I don't know how many specific feats Badname405 has completed, it would be easy for me to advise, "Don't dwell on specific Feats, just keep punching away at other ones such as Styles or Do X for Y Times, while you're waiting. Or PvP Feats."

    I do hope that there are people in the forums willing to actually help you complete feats. As it seems some folks here are getting a bit restless for new content and are just looking for any reason to play online. I, unfortunately, can't help since I'm currently on a long hiatus and not even close to your current progression (anything beyond the core game).
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