Seems NPCs getting nerfed, what about LPVE?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MaverickRaven657, Aug 11, 2017.

  1. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    This is a huge mess. I'm not trying to start anything, I'm just sincerely curious. Is LPVE included in the devs' plans of having the difficulty reduced? I've been averaging 20 minute runs today in HOD. That's INSANE to me, it used to be a 9 minute run.

    This should be a 9 minute run. The feats are obscenely huge, and they're not even worth much. It's not fun, so it's mostly run for the feats or by new ppl. New ppl who are in turn turned off by the game because of how powerless they feel.

    Is this being addressed soon?
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  2. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    Just had two more horrid sessions. But I'm stuck, can't do anything else in terms of feats. One was literally 51 minutes. The other was 30 minutes.

    I can't possibly be the only guy that feels this way.
  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    why after I finished all team ups I stopped running LPvE. Its not fun doing the same crap over and over for little to no rewards.
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  4. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    I agree
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  5. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    lpve is something I will never do again. it was bad before. for pve. seems its got easier to do. and not just because people are getting there loadouts down...
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  6. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    LPVE is not worth it for the time invested. If you are doing team-up feats, only 1 pair can do the teamup while the other pair have to use OP Legends. You will need at least two OP Legends. Catwoman/Cheetah or swap in 2Face for Bullet Storm spam.

    Speed feats, you are gonna need at least three to complete in a timely fashion.
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  7. Rigel Cygni Well-Known Player

    trying to complete those feats but i think I´ll give up for now. Was only 12 feats away from finishing it all but it´s ridiculous how long it takes right now, even with experienced players. People only do this for those feats which are huge amount for 10 pts lol don´t understand why they decided to make it even more tedious
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  8. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    We really need something said to us by the devs on this IMHO. I am considering waiting as well, but I don't think we should unless the devs tell us. At this point, without their say, we should either press on or give up on the feats altogether.

    I know devs are constantly being asked for their word on something.... but can we PLEASE get a less than ambiguous answer on this topic?