The season is coming to an end, and so is our Season's Greedings event. Make sure you take advantage of this final weekend and wrap up anything you have outstanding, because the event ends January 14th, 2014. Once it is over, you'll have to wait until next year!
"The sweaters, the Polar Bear hats, the big screen television high up on the wall bearing the image of a Yule Log (over an actual Yule Log)... oh my!" "Now that's just silly!" ~Graham Chapman
Thank GAWD... No more Larfleeze.. No more Oracle/Calculator telling me to talk to Hal/Sinestro to take care of a "Presents Problem".. And I can actually go out and to Heroic/Villainous Acts again and actually spot Iconics on my new toons and not a stupid Larfleeze in their spots.
Ooooh, I'd better get some Christmas decorations then, or I'm going to have to do a whole year without them... ;P
To all Devs I have countlessly for the past 3 days found Larfreez and am not getting credit at all for the find. I've been at 9/12 and nothing has changed. I thought as it maybe a problem with the locations. So I went to the other iconic spots and still, no change in my finding Larfreez feat. This is very odd. Please look into it so that this feat can be completed as it is my last feat for this seasonal event. Thank you, Merciless Judicator SilverAge Heroes & Villains Representative
Its a once per day feat. Meaning the 1st one you find is the one that counts. Find one and dont bother looking for another until the game resets daily.
I just have to ask...where are all the jumpers during the holiday season? I would think there'd be more of them, not less. And to answer Ahsleyjune's question, the next one should be for spring with Swamp Thing/Poison Ivy.
Hopefully they have something for Valentine's Day by now. If not, I can see rage happening in the forums, like last year. It's been years now. They should have something. They've had plenty of time to make something.
Mepps can you guys next year give the Iconics festive styles and have them popping up in there usual locations and have Lar pop up in his own. Have him apart from the Iconic locations so the Iconics can still pop up over the holiday. Holiday Hal Holiday Superman and so forth and have them still count for the Iconic encounters?
It's ironic that you have the Valentine's Day skirt in that picture. Maybe next year you can add a Winter Holiday skirt? My Ice character now has a complete set of Winter Holiday base items, which are totally not necessarily related to Christmas. Good stuff.
I'm sorry you haven't gotten one yet. i missed out on the Halloween trinket on my main so i know where your coming from. Ran the seasonal once on my healer to help someone and got it on a char i rarely play. One day left, good luck.
I wish I could give them away, I literally have 6 or 7 of them.... Make sure you run all your solo content, I seem to get them in that content quite frequently.