Seasonal is either...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TrueArchon, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Not all new players are ignorant of the channels, and who said you had to look for a new player? You simply asked how to make sure you had a tank for the Outpost
  2. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    i guess i was unclear. how would a new player know that a tank was needed? how would a new player find a tank even if a new player did know? most new players are ignorant of the channels.
  3. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    Some players are so bad in seasonal instances, they move out of the radius of a health barrel's AoE.
  4. Gimpy Loyal Player

    1st, My apologies about the mistake on which video.

    The numbers are misleading actually, since there are multiple players with multiple 'toons on/using multiple accounts.

    Personally I know of at least 7 'toons that have been idle for 2-3 weeks on a single account, only 1 is low level.
    Many players have more than 7 but using only 7 that drops the number of actual players to just over 4 million.(not an actual fact just example).

    I doubt there are 4 million active players.

    It would mean there are 3.99 million players who couldn't get off the ship because it was to hard to follow a tutorial on how to BLOCK so the Devs made it easier for them to fail after getting off the ship instead of failing on the ship.

    Return the tutorials to the Ship and make an educated player base again.

  5. Gimpy Loyal Player

    I know just what your saying.

    Just throwing this player under the bus,

    I saw a MaryMagdalene that kept running over to a stray add trying to get repairs and just couldn't understand why the "vendor" kept knocking them out.:cool:
  6. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Thought you were talking about yourself, and again, who said it had to be a new tank player?
  7. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    i have no idea where you are getting that i am saying it has to be a new tank player.
  8. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

  9. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Nope Giga never stated the "new player" had to be a " new tank player".

    Giga asked how a new player off the ship would know a tank ( or any role other than DPS) is needed.

    Twist it how you will it's clearly a statement about "new players" not being "educated" in the basics (roles/defense/BLOCKING, mechanics) before the "new players" are off the Ship.
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  10. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Hmm, howsabout, stay with me here, about to go into heretical waters, edumacating the new players?
    And again, never said anything about looking for a new anything
  11. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Ahhhhhhhh, I see now,,, I see,,,

    So that's what the "backstroke" looks like.

    Nice cast, empty hook.:oops:
  12. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    Devs, seriously; some insight on this!?
  13. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    What are you talking about? o_O
  14. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    When did I do that? Can't remember :confused:
    Maybe I was lagging.
    Idk, if you saw me in someone's stream in a bad run.
    Please don't try to throw me under the bus.
    I don't know your in game toon name, so I know nothing about you.
  15. High Troller Loyal Player

    With 2 fire tanks, a dps, and a healer
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  16. Dene Devoted Player

    Why? Explain the switches.. complete instance.. move on.. if they do not listen, then leave.
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  17. Huckleberry New Player

    Doing seasonal content with PUGs under CR 34 is a crapshoot. If one or two don't know the fight it is nearly impossible. And even if they do know the fight, it scales so poorly that usually one or two characters are dead before you know it anyway, whether they know the fight or not. This was the same with Swamp thing, too. I think if they scaled the content properly and give lowbies a chance to actually learn the fight instead of dying in the first 30 seconds, maybe we would get people who learn the fight instead of people who have to spend $400+ credits to repair after a dozen failed PUGs.

    Besides the poor job of scaling the difficulty, I think the second largest reason for failures is that it seems like no one uses chat anymore. Is it just me, or are you the only person who ever communicates in team chat? It's frustrating because I try to coach people how to run the instance and all anyone ever cares about is pew pew pew and die. But hey, it doesn't matter if it took 10 tries and lasted an hour, they have the highest DPS and that's all they care about.

    And yes, I 14 have different characters that run the whole gamut from lvl 13 to cr 60+, so I do know of what I am speaking.
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  18. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Devs explain this last year. There not changing it. End of discussion. It was harder last year
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  19. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    You are both wrong.
    It was not harder last year. Neither of you were called to run it on entry level toons last year. Stop defending a broken seasonal. This year is adjusted to clamped toons, and level 10s are queuing into an instance that is adjusted to present an easy/moderate challenge only for clamped 35s (which translates to cataclysmic for 10s), And has not been adjusted to properly fall in line with CR differential. 10 to 14 queuing into this is like a group of tier1 and tier2 taking on FOS3. So I'm not the one who isn't listening here. YOU are a prime example of the reason new players don't stick around.
  20. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    And FYI to all of the Mr/Mrs Bignutz Masochists:
    I've run ALL of The seasonals with entry level toons every year. I know better than most what the difficulty is on all of them.
    And last year was cake compared to this year.
    So please...just stop talking about something that you do not have any clue about. You reveal your true ignorances every time you reply with some half cocked reason why entry level players shouldn't ENJOY A FUN LIGHT AND EASY SEASONAL.
    It's not end game content for higher CR gear. It is not survival mode. It doesn't even give marks. It gives TWO increments of currency that is only good for a couple of weeks.
    So give it a rest. Let new players have something they can enjoy easily with others as a team.