Seasonal is either...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TrueArchon, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    1) Way too difficult
    2) Completely inundated with morons that can only pose an I.Q. threat to potatoes.

    I get why lower levels are isolated. But when I queue into the instance in my level 12 alt, NONE of the others have any clue what to do and absolutely zero ability to learn. And the result is 20 minutes of mind numbing hell where we go in and I have to deliberately wipe because everyone else does in the first 10 seconds. Then people leave, another idiot comes in...and the cycle repeats. For that level, since toons aren't restricted...devs, you really need to provide some better buffs if you're going to quarantine everyone below level 15 and force them to ONLY participate with others of that level.
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  2. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    Can we get either a Dev affirmation that it was deliberately made to be unbeatable by lower level new players, or an acknowledgement from a Dev that it is being looked into?
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  3. Van_Gho Committed Player

    You know what the answer is
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  4. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    Emailed this to someone I hope will listen
    Stat clamping was introduced to seasonals as a means to prevent OP toons from smashing their way through and leaving the lower levels behind. In this summer's seasonal, lower levels cannot randomly queue and defeat it. What we have is not only the opposite of what stat clamping was supposed to accomplish; it is worse. OP players are nearly the only ones who CAN complete the mission. Can you please look into this? My alt is level 12, and I have not yet seen Ocean Master's health bar drop down even 1/6 before were all out of power and we get crushed on that toon. Lower levels are all quarantined to only queue in with each other, and the boss/adds are smashing the low level toons into oblivion. They are simply hitting way too hard and have way too much health for toons that have not yet reached the point where they have acquired role stat specific gear.
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  5. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    So you want to make 2 threads to insult people? Congrats. The only reason it doesn't get beat is when people choose to ignore that there are mechanics involved, and I know that I am by far experienced in it, but I have yet to wipe on it.
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  6. Van_Gho Committed Player

    i thought thats what you guys wanted, not to have everything hit with you could enjoy the game.
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  7. Brennsinger Well-Known Player

    It seems that stat clamping only works one way this time: down to 34, not up to 30.

    Anyone under 30 is still on their level and not buffed. I don't even see the bubble helmet we used to get...
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  8. Malachee Committed Player

    Of course you're exactly right. This issue has been brought up over and over and over each and every Seasonal since the "stat clamping" was introduced on them. Various Devs have said that the Seasonals are meant to be "quick, fun, and for everyone", yet the frustrations for new/lower lvl players continue.
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  9. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    they have to use a tank? please show me how to get a tank to queue in with me. :p
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  10. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Do you have any sub-30 character to verify this? I'd do it myself but I don't have one. If this is seriously what's happening then it's obviously broken and should be fixed. No need to discuss mechanics and difficulty if really the issue is this simple.
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  11. Brennsinger Well-Known Player

    I queued into the seasonal with a level 18 alt. There was one CR 34 (clamped) player and a level 12. I myself was also showing as level 18.

    Apparently this was an instance in progress where someone dc'ed or left.

    Neither myself, nor the level 12 player had the bubble helmet and the group list did not show us as level 30, which I recall it used to do.
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  12. Senko Committed Player

    And how many lvl 10-say 17 players are likely to have much experience with alt roles like tanking OR the appropriate gear for it if they're new to the game?
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  13. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Whether or not the bubble showing up is affecting performance is something I'll let others talk about because I honestly don't know. I do know I have done it with a bunch of leaguemates who were not level 30 (they were like thirteen max) but I was level 30 and tanking it (which would make a huge difference in general I know) but none of them seemed to be dying outrageously even if I didn't grab the adds right away.

    I do know the CR differential essentially makes our stat clamped seasonals harder than they should be.
  14. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Man I tell you. Ppl with low level alts want high CR players to be clamped in low teir instance and raids but when it come to seasonal they want adjusting.
    So every time I get in a argument with a player who want stat clamp for high CR players I'll just use this post as a example like
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  15. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    simple...COGS!!! no one wants to, or understands you need to use them. use the cogs. get a win. simple.
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  16. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Idiot lowbies asked for this
    Idiot lowbies can deal with it

    Suck it up buttercup, you real what you sew
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  17. Brennsinger Well-Known Player

    There is a difference, and that lies in to which CR the instance is calibrated to.

    Normal content is calibrated to the Tier that you can access it. If you go in and want to experience it the way it was meant to, everyone in the group would have to be at the same range it was conceived for. If an overgeared player joins, balance is thrown off. Here you cannot enter if you are not geared for it. You can take of gear to artificially lower your CR, but that is a choice.

    The Seasonal events are calibrated to CR30. And they allow leveling characters from level 10 upwards to join. That means you can enter even if you are not geared for it.

    If they don't get buffed, they have hard time in there.

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  18. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

  19. L T Devoted Player

    It's incredibly hard bordering on impossible if you ignore the mechanics.

    It's a trivial, 2-minute romp if you do!

    Perfect, Devs!
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  20. Brennsinger Well-Known Player

    There is a difference between stat clamping of normal content, and Seasonals.

    You can get into the Seasonal at level 10 (which usually is an even lesser CR value).

    That would be like going into Prime at CR 24. And not only one player at that low level. Imagine going into Prime with a group CR 24 - 65. It will be hard.

    This is what is happening in this Seasonal if they don't get buffed, and it doesn't compare to the call for stat clamping in normal content.
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