I noticed as soon Christmas was over these seasonal collections stopped dropping devs fix this only few days left to complete it. Also why aren't we getting the seasonal extension the broker been down for 3 weeks while seasonal event was going. So basically we 3 weeks behind getting this stuff done.
mate, I cleared up the Christmas collections just this morning, as well as the Thanagar stuff on the alts that hadn't finished up yet. not entirely sure why, but the Christmas & Thanagar collections are going for dirt cheap on the broker. dirt. cheap. there were a load of the Not-So-Naughty ones, & the Naughty & Nice list ones, all going for between 1 to 50. get in there.
I had a couple of seasonal collections drop today. Of course, I already had them. And they're selling for next to nothing. Might sit on them until March or something, when they'll be rare.
They are still dropping....you are just having really bad luck. Besides the fact that I've personally gotten them on several toons (sub account and premium in case you are either), look in the broker...there are pages of these collections listed in the last 24 hours...prices are down vs up...which would be the case if they were getting rarer. Run alts...get more chances...go by church and light a candle and pray to RNGesus to smile upon you. Reinheld
They still dropping it's just loot table on lafreeze has to many previous years included in item rotation loot 2020 seasonal collections are going to be even more rare if old collections are not put into exobyte nodes or sold as seasonal cache .