Season’s Greedings Event & Free Tactical Mods!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Angeliana, Dec 2, 2024.

  1. Grim931 Committed Player

    So the answer to the question was no, you're just assuming... yet again.
  2. MISS IDEAL New Player

    Looking forward to all these goodies this coming holiday season1;)
  3. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Bravo... we are taking the acceleration towards P2W!!! The next step will be new content that will be uncomfortable to play without these new mods?
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  4. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Definitely not assuming take a look at the game. I absolutely remember the new producer talking about relaunching the leveling systems as his new direction for dcuo. These tactical mods will eventually be in the Mainframe. for now they need to make money off them while they work on tier 5 gear mods. The mainframe will need an upgrade which they also need to work on it is stuck at tier 3 with the active cells. Once the Mainframe gets hit with an update the tier 4 gear mods will be in your Mainframe.
    The next step will be tier 5 gear mods more than likely for your face rings belt and trinket. After that you'll see t6 mods which are only for op gear. Op.gear will see a second slot for t6 mods. After that you will see t7 mods all gear will see 2 mod slots. This progression system is designed to drive stats matters back into the gear system.

    And it doesn't stop there everything's going to be relaunched as the new direction for the team
  5. Grim931 Committed Player

    All of that is well and good, with the minor exception that it's all based off of your own personal feelings and perception.

    You have no factual evidence to back up anything you're saying, except "that's how I took it, so that's how it is".

    You can have opinions about what you think might happen, but spreading those opinions as facts is where you're running into trouble. You look ignorant with these posts, especially when you get proven wrong most of the time by actual announcements or green names.
  6. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    If you take a look the gear system is the last monetization they have left. isn't it funny that the gear matters progression system took 8 years to arrive that leaves them 2 years to milk it. But something tells me a relaunch is right around the corner. something tells me the next producer letter is going to give us the juicy details about a relaunch for the summer.

    The relaunch will be of all the leveling systems artifacts allies and most of all the gear system which will bring back all the episodes. You want to know why because we're going to get a second skill tree because it's going to bring a refresh update of the existing Feats in the game.

    Cuz that's how you bring a game back from the dead and if you don't think DC Universe is dead you should get yourself checked
  7. Grim931 Committed Player

    I'm not disputing the game's current state.

    You keep failing to realize that you still have no idea what you're talking about. You have no facts to back this up. It's all what you -think- would happen, not what's actually going to happen. You do this constantly.
  8. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    There's a reason they kept the gear system as the last monetization. That's all.i have left to say. Keep an eye out for the next producer letter
  9. Palantiros New Player

    I am wondering if the Free Christmas Tree will make a come back to the Marketplace as I want to claim it. I took a rather long break and couldn't retrieve it when it came out in 2k17.

    Because I'd like to receive some of the gifts it'll offer when the time comes.
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  10. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    The feat for this year is incorrect.

    It says collect all 10 2024 base items, but there are only 8.

    There are 6 ice statues and 2 trees.

    Everything else that is offered this year is a style item, and not a base item.