Scrubs (Switch US)

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Predicament, Aug 14, 2019.

  1. Predicament Well-Known Player

    Switch (US). Scrubs are recruiting. Hero league 18+ year old players. If you or new or returning to the game, we would love to have you. We are all veteran/returning players. My buddies and I have been playing on and off again since launch, so we are very knowledgeable about the game. We run both PvE and PvP and we aren’t rushing through the game and switch is now our main platform for playing. We have a discord server set up with multiple channels to help, theorycraft, and just hang out. Our goal is to have a solid group of players who will run anything with anyone. If you’re interested send me a message here or contact the following in game:
    • Manchurian Handshake
    • Monty
    • DownToGirth
    • Proto Man
    • Excaliber
    • Bangalore
    Let them know you would like a league invite.
  2. Lothvan New Player

    I would like to join your league