Scared 4 the revamp...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Johnny DCUO, Jan 2, 2017.

  1. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    You hit it on the head. All powers should be equal, chamging only as they or gear are modded. The scorecard is a distraction from this, it only shows where people aren't using broken powers, or who get the first pops and ticks in, ahead of others, generally (though not entirely). The core card should be an option, or just go away. We should be able to contruct AMs and WM's of our own design, or just trash the concept. As of now, these mechanics lock us in to very specific, and unimaginative game play selected by someone that only wants to use those specific powers together to be relevant. That seems like a tight space to fit for those of us that would like the freedom to build our characters using the powers we enjoyed. As for now, to be relevant, we have to get shoved in a small box, or we are useless. If balance and freedom to build matter, all powers should have access to all roles, or roles simply be done away with, and role needed mechancics eliminated from the game. We have seen this tinkered with, so we know they can make these changes.
  2. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    You just broke my brain, yet it is still my fault it happened. :p
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  3. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

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  4. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

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  5. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    The revamp really is shaping up to be a disaster. I just don't seeing going to live, thankfully.
  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    What do you hope to accomplish with this line of commenting? The revamp is not even at the half way it's too soon to call it a disaster. The Devs are reading the responses and have already made some changes....more will come as more is tested. So really, you want this game to stay in its current broken state??? Because wishing the revamp away won't fix a damned thing.
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  7. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    I'm just stating my opinion as a veteran player and someone who's dabbled on the test build of the revamp, read the feedback and is aware of the game's history. I'm not sure I understand your need to try to police my thoughts on the matter though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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  8. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    You can't even call it the little work we've seen with the revamp so far a disaster. It's feeling around for the start point. The >start< point. It's not even close to being ready, and it's definitely not something they can do without player feedback. It's actually highly unusual for them to allow this level of input from players before something is rolled out. If we had that level of feedback, both WM and AMs could have been stopped. Be #*&$^*@^($& $&@#* #*$&^@adjective#*&$^@ thankful.

    If combat has to be slowed way the #*&^ down, it's because the dev team knows what they will have the capacity to manage. The game 'died' a while ago. This has been a long time coming, and i'm actually surprised they managed to hold out long enough to have the chance to even attempt it. Not only did enough key people at the helm leave, but they left a huge mess that needs to be undone by the current team, plus additional changes to help bring systems in line with what they are actually going to be able to handle, moving forward. With the needs for the revamp required for DBG to maintain the game, this will be much more like a 2.0 as opposed to earlier changes that simply tacked on a lot of runaway features that weren't needed. (Again, misdirection and not understanding the needs of the actual game)

    Not to name names, but it wasn't just one person involved in that whole process of hideous experimentation. We did have the whole 'I think it's totally something we can turn into an E-Sport' pull that didn't help, among other things.
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  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Not policing your thoughts, just trying to curtail the spread of misinformation. Everytime you state the stat revamp is getting canceled with nothing to back that up, that's spreading misinformation. People take your statement as if it means something and keep spreading this falsehood. That means that instead of seeing threads for other improvements to add to the game, we're seeing people starting threads like this one full of F.U.D. based on misinformation and not firsthand knowledge.
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  10. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    That's false. I'm backing up my thoughts with a history of the game and its changes as well as my experience on the test server and in reading over other testers' opinions. Also, I've never stated as a fact that it's going to be cancelled/ indefinitely delayed. I've made that deduction based on the evidence.
  11. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    You are right for being scared of the revamp. There are way too many things that are being changed for the sake of change not because they are broken. There are too many powers that are being changed for no reason whatsoever.
    Changes for the sake of change not because it is broken is a recipe for disaster.

    If you know any of the powers and see what is being changed.
    You will ask yourself.....
    Do these guys play the game at all or have they played these powers????
    If they do.
    How much have they played?
    Does DCUO realize how many players will leave because of the changes that are being proposed?

    Players wanted stats fixed....Players did not want or ask for what was on test.

    The balance was good with damage and that's about it. Everything else was like WTH?
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  12. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    Yes, there are valid opinions from various perspectives. However, there's a big difference between specific, informed opinions based on testing and general freak outs based on threads, some of which are based on other threads, which are based on other threads, which are based on something someone heard in league chat.

    Personally, I worry that general "I hate this"or "I love this" threads are counter-productive. I'm afraid the specific feedback, based on testing experience, that's critical for helping to shape the revamp, will get lost in it all.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm all for people expressing their thoughts. I'm just saying that this thread isn't comparable to the testing feedback threads.
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  13. Ringz Dedicated Player

    OP, just wait and see what the devs are gonna say next. Trust nobody words, even if what they say sounds legit or fake.

  14. Roocck Committed Player

    The only ones that are testing are the ones that want the changes.... That's why they arent to many on test servers.... Why test something that you are not interested or care for.
  15. Roocck Committed Player

    I pray that you are right!!
  16. Tilz Loyal Player

    The testers are mainly ppl that WANT changes. But not 100% what's on test.
    I also want the changes, but the current version has it's problems (and also good sides).