Say it isn’t so… A new players’ letter. (long read. no tl;dr)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Apollonia, Aug 29, 2021.

  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    For normal raid content, it actually is plenty;)
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  2. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Yeah true indeed lol .
  3. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    This community prefers only a portion of the player-base to feel.... "Super"---while everyone else can wait till end of endgame. Gear is not the only measurement of "feeling super", skill does as well. Newcomers experience this as they practice and become more informed with DCUO's systems. In other words their "Super" is going through the leveling process. Too many have been "robbing" others from feeling or at least all but eliminating their engagement with "feeling super" through the journey to endgame; the very element "veterans" complain about being take away.

    This hierarchal nonsense needs to stop. Whether you've played DCUO for 10,000 hrs or an instant--"feeling super" should be readily available without "direct obstruction".

    Note: feeling super is abstract, opinion based and hard to prove or define which is probably why many of you use it within your arguments).

    Make no mistake about it, having players team up with "veterans" is worse than teaming up with no one given their proclivities and actions. If you rather not play together with newcomers and traditionalist--as the game was built to be played--than Ink needs to break you up. "Veterans"--clearly--rather not play most of DCUO's content anymore (not every "veteran" and using this label for concision).

    First option: Introduce A.I. as teammates (ex: FFXIV Trust) for random queue when there aren't enough available leveled players. Second option: Allow solo queue for everyone for all missions up until the last three tiers. Third option: to restrict access to the duty queue until your within the last three tiers then have unclamped instances (this options embraces the chaos into the extreme). However, this is giving up on DCUO largely as an MMO since old content is being used as fodder by primarily becoming a place to collect feats.

    Note: The second option will really show where the player-bases mind is and help prove my point of Ink needing a new community.

    Bottom Line: The way of "face rolling" or close to it flips DCUO inside and out. It wasn't built for it--its janky looking, breaks mission objectives, it overtly undermines cooperation and allows players to "highjack" another players instance. And yes, face-rolling is still active within certain missions--even within random queue.
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  4. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    There is "feeling super" in comparison to the environment, and then there is "feeling super" relative to other players. If you've been playing for day you don't get to "feel super" compared to someone who has been building their character since day one.

    Your confusion on this jeopardizes your understanding of the bigger issues.
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  5. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    As I said, get rid of the hierarchal nonsense. "Feeling "super" isn't a metric; one should not be measuring this---you're dealing with ppl and their "mindscapes". Every sensation/version of "feeling super" should be distinct and independent of one another.

    Note: Yes, what you said likely implies your measuring because how would the difference between "peer and environment" justify preventing others being "obstructed from feeling "super". Try explaining that without measurement.
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  6. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Hierarchical nonsense? This must be your first MMORPG. These things are traditionally a competition to have the best and be the best (and if that's too vague for you, 'best' in these cases refers to those numerical inputs that increase the success rate inside the virtual environment).

    And, if you're being honest, anyone who has spent any amount of time inside the game isn't confused by what "feeling super" means.

    If your dead set on being deliberately obtuse, we can define "feeling super" against it's opposite, which would be spending an exponentially longer time to complete content that became trivial ten years ago.
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  7. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Actually, "feeling super" is a perfectly fine metric. Mepps used it recently to convey expectations to the community around how they should feel in clamped content.
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  8. FrankZappa Well-Known Player

    sorry but as a pvp player I can tell you that monetizing pvp would kill it for good. the reason pvp is dying is because it is unbalanced and broken and riddled with counter delays. it is just unkillable tanks fighting healers and no one dies. Making people pay to play a broken unfun pvp would not be a good idea. pvp players did in fact spend money in the game on things like name change and power change tokens and so on, also pve content to get skill points. I spent more money in the game in the 2 years i played when pvp was active and good than i have spent in the game in the 8 years after it broke combined. I spent hundreds of dollars in this game back in 2012/2013 but ever since 2014 i spent maybe maximum 30$ probably, that is 30$ in 8 years. all they have to do is return pvp to its former glory 2012/2013 era. us pvp players have told them what they need to do to fix the game in the pvp forums but the devs will not listen and will not fix it which is why i decided to just leave the game for good at this point. I stuck around long enough to check out the new update and I honestly do like the clamping but I am not going to play a pve only game not anymore.
    when it comes to new players just look at the pvp forums, you have threads from new players saying things like "how do i beat atomic tanks?" "how do i beat mental players?" that is because certain powers win and other powers do not in arenas. so ya i would never pay to play a broken unbalanced game. they just need to make the pvp good. "build it and they will come" build good pvp and people will spend money on other things. fortnite does not monetize their pvp and look how successful they are. truth is the devs seem to be trying to get rid of pvp completely and turn this into a factionless pve only game. I do not think the devs even could fix pvp even if they wanted to. they have gone to far from the original winning formula.
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  9. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    MMO communities don't even remotely set precedence to what is "wrong" or "right" about hierarchies in this case. The reason they even get away with it is because of anonymity and lack of motivation from those that can do something about it. It's a concern if ppl actually let MMO communities dictate what is isn't acceptable beliefs and behaviors. I can nearly guarantee if a montage of the communities worse behavior went viral across the world and impacted a myriad of influential societal circles, a crackdown would happen within a year and announcements would be "all over the net" within 24 hrs. The "world" tolerates gaming communities, they do not accept them (not as they are currently).

    I already commented on how you're dealing with ppl and their experience of "feeling super" is independent and distinct from anyone else's. Your effort and time put into DCUO is separate and does not gate keep who gets that experience . Let alone that the way your putting it is messy---rating players based on time put in is messy since there are a myriad of players that put "oceans" of more time than others but their all within the same "veteran pool". This messy point of view you have given happens to work out for many since you only need high gear to do what you like no matter the time put in. So even with the person that has over 3000 hrs beyond what you have you all get to blaze through because you have the gear to do it. Doesn't the 3000 hr plus player deserve more than you based on your own POV? It's messy, despicable and gets into classism (which typically is defended by effort/hard work).

    To be clear, the point isn't the effort, it's the results (synomous with goals in this case) you have gotten throughout the time you've played. Every style, every level, every friend, every power, every victory etc.. You put in the effort for the result; without the result you wouldn't put in the effort . The way players think now a days they wouldn't bother to any of their actions as "effort" unless something of value is at least in jeopardy. In other words: The way effort is used by players is a cop out. You "know" you shouldn't be robbing players of their enjoyment because you want to "feel super".

    Side Note: Too many of you want to be some hulk one shotting everything into nothing. However, you keep on missing the other side of those--"feeling super"--experiences that Neo from the Matrix, Goku from Dragonball, Bruce Lee demonstrates well. Where you're doing over a 100 actions per minute: dodging, blocking, attacking and being so in tuned to what you are doing you turned your battle into an event. Now I mentioned Goku but this illustrates it best--straight to the point: Naruto and Sasuke vs. Momoshiki

    Oh yeah - its no wonder PVP is all but "inactive" since the traditional point of it is the antithesis to being overpowered
  10. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    It isn't (explained why) even if Mepps states it.
  11. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    I will, happily (doubt it would be 6 years but yes).
    Thats me tho, im sure im in the minority on this
  12. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    It is (you didn't).
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  13. Magnificent Loyal Player

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  14. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Um, no.

    This is a video game. In pretty much all video games you get stronger as you level from 1 to max level (oblivion). In the superhero genre not all characters have the same powerlevels. Superman can faceroll Batman (unless Snyder is in charge) and Superman can also faceroll Robin. In this game, this is represented by low level players being the street level characters like Batman or Robin while long term players would be the Superman types.

    The feeling isn't abstract at all. Spytle, SJ and even Mepps have all talked at various times about progressing your characters by leveling up and going back into older content after getting better geared. The concept isn't abstract in the slightest. It's the intended progression path for a decade here.

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again. No. This is factually incorrect. Someone on the forums said that once years ago and everyone took their word for it when it's totally not true. UE3 and UE4/5 code are totally different and would require recoding (some may be salvageable tho). That is true. But the coding is not the bulk of the game and doesn't constitute "from scratch". All of the assets would still be compatible which is at least 80% of what makes up the game. It is do-able. It would be an investment looking towards the future of the game.
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  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    If you want your game to have consistency across everything, everything will need to be rebuild from scratch. Dont ask for a game to be developed and immediately start with cutting corners, also a vocal minority couldn't pay the millions needed to develop the game while still paying for and through a years long content drought.

    As someone who plays Overwatch, ive seen what that looks like, and a MMORPG like this one would likely not recover from it.
  16. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    As I said, this is incorrect. Migrating assets to a newer engine isn't cutting corners either. The assets are engine agnostic.
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  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You know DCUO uses a heavily modified UE3 engine that was never designed for MMOs right?

    Its like porting a Frostbite engine game, into a propor MMO, everything will need to be done from scratch.
  18. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    What!? Feelings aren't abstract at all? Let's not confuse the many chemicals that you experience during your state of "feeling super" with your perception/view of those feelings. People generally aren't able to identify which of their feelings are being triggered by what chemicals in "real time". Further, that stills doesn't take away their involuntary behavior of interpreting (i.e. perception) those feelings. So as far as players are concerned their feelings are abstract; perception is abstract--feelings are abstract.

    It's been written before but the point of players getting "stronger"/leveling up is to progress to other content (initially locked or too challenging to take part in).; that is the primary function of progression. You cannot go back to past content and "feel super" without moving forward first--without progressing. Players even have to continue moving forward to gain access to more content they can eventually go back to. It seems the version of "feeling Super" you're speaking of is completely dependent on leveling up, moving forward and accessing "new" content. You cannot go backward without moving forward first.

    As for Ink employees, I've heard Mepps speak on the idea that its no longer a game if your face rolling content. This is supported by how many view face rolling content as tedious chore to gain feats.

    Note: Its generally not helpful to quote or paraphrase Mepps or devs (esp. without permission) since its too likely a misframe will occur or taking their statements or ideas out of context. Many of you don't seem to care about that or are too hubristic to believe you don't ever misframe or take devs statements out of context. However, you might have second thoughts if there was a chance you could get banned/suspended for it.

    As far heroes go: they consistently hold back, are depowered and sometimes outright lose to "unremarkable adversaries" by chance. Its uncommon for heroes and villains to go all out because they are normally trying to preserve something or someone they value or attracting unwanted attention.

    Comics in general would not have been as popular as they once were if fans didn't see their heroes and villains struggle. Sometimes viewers want to see a powerhouse once in a while. However, they don't subscribe to heroes because of their ability dominate they do it to see their struggles. Superman and The Hulk aren't loved because they're powerhouses but because of their struggles. Both their somewhat flashy indominable strength may attract their fans but its their struggles that keeps them.

    Side Note: "Feeling Super" is an excuse many use to protect their position of not having stat clamping or anything that may rob them of ripping through content. Those they don't see as a threat to face rolling get argue that they can face roll because that's right or that they simply can. Those that can be a threat to face rolling may arguments that claim facerolling is a need to "feel super".

    Side Note: Guess who introduced the term face rolling within the forums: Mepps; at least it seems that is the case.
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  19. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Feeling “super” or feeling “powerful” are indeed abstract terms. They also can vary in degree from person to person.

    This is why they get feedback from the community (as a whole), because there is no numerical “super.”

    Some feel super with less and some feel super with more. Landing somewhere in the middle is the best you can do.
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  20. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    I honestly don't understand the lack of feeling super. I was against the clamp (Still don't think it is particularly effective at what is trying to do because it is exposing that people didn't learn how to play the game while leveling up) but it really isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I still trivialize content at all levels. The only real difference is that higher end players can't compensate for everyone else in large group content and that is currently ruing the fun for veterans.
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