In the "Q3" section you can see the "Save the Universe" listed as one of the events to come. I'm a little worried, since there are a ton of feats I personally need from that event and nothing has been said about it (or maybe i missed it?). Considering they announced EP48 to come towards the end of September, I'm even more worried that they just canceled it. Would really appreciate if someone could clear things up about this.
You haven't missed it. It's the most likely event to come next, either right after Homecoming or a week between. STU is awesome tbh wish they'd keep it around all year or maybe even did bonus weeks that way, like as a way to highlight an old episode by bringing it up to current CR with 2x source marks or nth metal or ally favor or drops or something. Another mode I wish they'd keep around full time is Survival Mode, though I have doubts of that ever coming back.
I would not be surprised if it landed on test around August 27th. Normally they do not tell us the exact time test will be back up, but this time they gave us an exact time and date which was kind of odd: This would also line up well for it to be on test for two weeks before launching around the same time homecoming did last year since they kind of swapped.