As long as there aren’t any mechanics where the other players mistakes can kill you it shouldn’t really matter. Just treat it as a solo with whatever the other player adds being icing on the cake.
And the crickets continue…lol it’s not like people have been waiting to finish the counters for their STU feats or anything
Well my CR is to low to save the universe at 55 idk why this wasn’t made into an event or seasonal so now it’s que times that alienate allot of players or alts unless of course you pay to level like I’m reminded each time I log in
Are there no feats associated with the elite orrery regular orrery and fig styles? I also don’t see any feats for the op hands … am I just not seeing them or ..
When I saw the Rip style on test, I noticed two things: people are soooo gonna use it for Star Trek characters and also..... Kill Bill. Having seen the news post about STU today.... it seems the devs had the same realization: That is so on purpose. They totally fraggin' knew exactly what they were doing using those colors and that hair. That's not an accident!
Nah, you don't need to pay to level. Just run content, without caring about order/story, and you'll level pretty quickly. Whenever I want to level a low-CR toon, I just run omnibus constantly. No, they cannot run the instances if their CR is 55. For STU, "event" means the original version of the content including the fact that they're gated by CR. "Event" for STU isn't the same as "Event" for episodes.
That's fair. I do remember we used to be able to play it on lower characters but I might be confusing it. Unless other STU was like it. Either way Omnibus is probably their best and fastest way to get up fast to play.
I know y'all have bigger stuff to address at the moment, but could we get these renown tokens to stack? I can legit say "asking for a friend", since I've finished mine.
Anyone having issues with getting progression feats?, I completed one save the universe duo and didn't get credit for the feat either. I tried contacting customer support but I was told that they couldn't help. I need my feats!!!
So, the weekly mission is not in my journal, nor can I pick it up. I noticed it was still in my journal like a month ago left over from last year, but it's gone now, and it's not in hidden tab either.
There is a very small pool people I will run an elite duo with, very small, starting with my sister and branching out from there. I'm not going to risk running elite with someone I don't know, who might be mean to me. I won't risk it. I really do wish they would allow solo elite content too. If something goes wrong the only one who will blame me is me. I learned never to run with strangers long ago.
This is easily one of the buggiest event launches this game has had in a while. The STU weekly doesn't work. The counter feats don't work. The gear doesn't get discounted if you have the feat as it should. This needs to be fixed asap, and anyone who was unfortunate enough to run the STU raid should get a free reset for their troubles.
I was ready to spend money on replays but I'm not wasting money on a broke game. I know that the developers do their best but It's just business. Bad product= No business and to accept anything less is a waste of money and time✌️