"salvaging" allies for favor

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by CharlesVerde, Dec 31, 2024.

  1. CharlesVerde Level 30

    we should be able to turn in favor from other allies for 50% like the artifact XP, yay or nay?

    and also---what about favor boosters like we have Nth metal detectors, R&D detectors, etc etc?
  2. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I've got plenty of favor I can't use, because the Epic and Legendary Alliances don't drop often enough, and my alts don't earn enough SM to buy them from Cyborg. :confused:
  3. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    You don't want to salvage your allies for favor. You're about to be able to wear a lot more allies and artifacts once they retune chapters. the difficulty should be much harder meaning you get to use more arts and passives
  4. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    What? Where, exactly, did you get this information?
  5. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    It's not about where the info is it's about why can we artifact swap but you can't just give us more slots. It is an extremely dumb question for the development team to answer which is why you're going to get more slots and passives since you can swap allies aswell. If all of that was intended then of course more slots were intended eventually.

    If you think you're not going to get more slots you can think again. I'm 100% sure your not intended to be in your inventory to enjoy the game it's unfair for everyone nobody should have to enjoy the game like that. not even if you want to swap or not it needs to be addressed in the right way
  6. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    So you can't actually show where you're getting the information, as usual. It's just something you think is going to happen. Got it.
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  7. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Chapters is a soft relaunch for the leveling system the enemies will be much harder the same way it was when stats revamp started. This retune of the difficulty allows them to bring more progression systems as well as giving you more slots and passives. As of right now players are swapping that's not a good look on the game you can watch YouTube videos everybody's in their inventory well in combat. It's extremely messy to watch it is some seriously bad practice it makes DC Universe extremely unbalanced and it pushes people away from the gameplay experience. If you think speed hacking is a bad thing in a game swapping of any kind is just as bad to watch. Allowing that to happen in your game is just like allowing speed hackers to run wild.

    Why not just make the gameplay experience more enjoyable with more slots and passives that way people are enjoying the gameplay and not a menu in their face
  8. Andreas Denali Level 30

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  9. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    And who, on the dev team, told you this?
  10. EconoKnight XIII Legion

  11. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    So they said in the producer letter that they overhauled the Renown system for chapters which is a part of the leveling experience. Event mode and regular will be retuned meaning elite and plus will more then likely be harder aswell. This to me is more than an indication that a new progression system is either coming with chapters as well as more artifact slots and passives. to bring alot more combat options instead of making you artifact swap and Ally swap to have options to enjoy the gameplay. I don't think looking at an inventory was part of the gameplay experience surely none of that is intended. But somehow they let it happen for way too long and it affected a lot of decisions along the way
  12. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Yes and no..They are expanding the renown system to be more inclusive while adjusting the rate the renown is earned based on levels of difficulty. It appears all bosses will drop renown in and outside of elite content, while elite content will likely be adjusted to a higher difficulty to allow for more renown earned. Below was pasted straight from the producer letter:

    "There are plenty of exciting updates to look forward to because we've been hard at work planning many changes and improvements to DCUO. For example, we're overhauling the Renown System to be far more inclusive.  Beginning with our next big story arc, all players will earn ‘Renown’ when defeating bosses in new instanced content.  The difficulty setting will determine the rate at which you earn."
  13. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Sell fire pit energy in broker and any catalysts fortifying from braniac dailies and weeklies and you'll make about 100 mil in due time if you play often.
    And buy legendary alliances from broker.
    I played the October event daily and winter event daily and episode weekly stuff and just sold everything in broker.
    That's how much I don't play and made 100m.
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  14. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Exactly... it indicates to you that all the things you claim are coming are about to happen. Think I'll just wait for the devs to announce stuff, thanks.
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  15. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Honestly, I'm not that worried about it right now. During December, I was only logging in to do the holiday Vault, and maybe the stab solo, whenever I a) thought about it and b) didn't get sent to one of the two maps I hate. This week, I've been running the Patchwork Themiscyra bosses because I wanted the Empyrean Ether so I could get the catalysts to finish my Wonderverse augs, and trying to get other players dancing while we wait for the bosses.

    Edit: Oh yeah, also, if I get any Fire Pit Energy, they're going into my OP belt first. Ditto for the Brainiac catalysts for the OP head, as I haven't finished that, either. Yeah, I know, but in my defense, I don't play anymore unless I feel like it, and the last few months, I haven't really felt like it.
  16. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Not that they will, of course. They'll leave it to the creator league to do that. :mad:
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