Russian Localization

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jaden Law, Jan 13, 2022.

  1. Jaden Law Well-Known Player

    Pass 11 years since launch of DCUO but it still doesn't have Russian Localization... It's a shame. In 2013 I knew atleast 10 people which dropped the game just because they experienced discomfort due to the language barrier. Russia is a big country and moreover, Russian language is used not only in Russia... This is a great opportunity to get a lot of new players ahead of the big update in 2023.

    So, a question to the devs: will Russian Localization be added to the game?

    If you can't do it yourself, then maybe Innova able to help you. This is a Russian company that was bought by EG7, which is engaged in MMO games localization for Russia and Europe.
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  2. Green Action Well-Known Player

    I support this, the more languages added to the game the more players,
    are able to converse and work together to save the day!
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