This is a suggestion post for development to address a specific issue. Game play will change a lot with the stats revamp. One issue this will cause, and that I already see for inexperienced players under the current Live (myself included,) is that when you try something out or try to learn it, how it works in solo is not really the same as how it works in a group. Then, when you experiment in group you get griped at or kicked or told to watch Youtube, etc. I think there is one simple way to develop a fix for this. Right now you have two practice systems. The Legends: Practice event is there to let people test out the legends and training dummies to test out powers and weapons. However, all power regen, etc. is off on those because of how the dummies work. In fact, there was a recent bug post where someone seems to have mistaken the training dummy regen as AM regen. What I propose is a system that does not have that bonus regen. Make an event with no rewards that has infinite replay, like the Leg: Prac. In it, have 3 NPCs. The NPCs will fill out whatever is missing when the person enters. So if you enter as a Tank, you will get 1 Healer, 1 DPS, and 1 Troll. If you enter as a DPS, you get the Tank, Heal, and Troll. So on and so forth. The CR and stats will be adjusted to fit the player. Make the map super simple, just a few fight areas off a central room. Things like where mobs go after the healer, a flood of mobs, a place for careful pulling, a boss that is powerful, and I am sure people could come up with a few more. As people run this event, they can test out their character with a little automated support. Then they will have a better idea of power regen for a particular loadout, how their role woks, etc. while not causing issues for other players just to test things or learn a recently bought CR100 toon. I am not saying NPC training will be a perfect solution. However, I think it would make for a workable one for players to try things out without getting kicked from group for being less than what the others expect.
Find a league or a group of friends that you can go test with. We have carried league mates though content many times and give them tips an tricks an how to run that power. We have also gone into a raid with off the wall loadouts to test but bring one Dps in that we can compare to. There are lots of options for perfecting your character's power set an rotations.
That is a nice idea, but I see four issues with it. First, not all leagues are equal and friendly. Second, the few friend I made all disappeared. Third, the casual player does not have access to either of those. Fourth, it is not regulated content so it would not be a set level comparison or mob loadout every time you go. I am talking about something more uniform and universally accessible, but I agree that, for many, your solution is a good one.
well, it seems, sales of respect tokens will slump with't think it will happen. but, its a good idea!!!