When the reboot was announced I first thought to myself "What are they thinking?" After watching it,....okay, bits and pieces of it......I was flipping channels and going with Walking Dead Marathon, whatever was on Adult Swim, and SyFy's 31 Days of Halloween (they had Zombieland on),....I asked myself again...."WHAT THE F**K WERE THEY THINKING????" 2016 has been a bad year as far as the entertainment industry is concerned. We lost many fine actors and musicians along the way. David Bowie, Lemmy from Motorhead, and recently Gene Wilder. I also didn't know that Abe Vigoda from Barney Miller died this year.....completely missed that one. But, the final nail in the proverbial coffin was the death of whatever I had left of my childhood. Part of that childhood had included, and I admit this,....The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I first saw it when I was at least 10 years old or so. My older brother and sister were part of the reenactment fans,.....and it was my dad who took me to see it. My mom, however, gave some disapproval and thought it would mentally scar me for the rest of my life. .....well.....half way right on that. I am mentally / psychologically scarred for life but through different things of which I see a therapist and take lots and lots of drugs for it. Needless to say the Rocky Horror Picture Show didn't scar me. ...well...again,.....sorta....BUT ANYWAY.... Having to do a reboot / re-imagining takes a lot of work. Granted, the directors, actors and film makers in general had a wonderful template to work with. Some of that was used. But notice I use the word "some". Oh yeah, they included all of the original concepts,.....altered for a newer and fresher audience who might not have seen it (and for those of you who are that young and saw the reboot and say it was cool without watching the original,.......SHAME ON YOU!!!! You will be dragged from your chair, chained to a theater row chair and forced to watch the original WITH a crowd of strangers who can recite every line by heart). BUT, they left out things like (SPOILERS) Eddie crashing through the ice freezer and having the scar on his head. They altered the song tempo (why do that??? for you kids out there???), which sucked in my opinion, and could have done a better job with casting. Somebody asked on a forum "WHO WAS THE TWAUGHT (I'm letting you figure that one out...misspelled for convenience) WAFFLE WHO DID THE CASTING??". Granted, having Tim Curry was a nod and link to the original. Kinda sad that he had a stroke a while back and you could tell he had one. I'm thinking he did the reboot to help pay for medical expenses. But having an "assistant" during his scenes for the "Time Warp" (again,....they butchered that sequence) for demonstration purposes is a bit understandable. *shakes my head* I know. This is a long post. Too many words. But come on. Stop screwing with my childhood, Hollywood. Stop doing reboots of great movies. Doing reboots is part of the reason why people like me download torrents instead of paying the outrageous ticket prices while you profit off of us. I do that because I figure that somewhere, somehow, somebody owes me for taking my inner child, marching him out to the middle of a secluded forest, tying him to a tree and leaving him for dead. I know....long post....but I just had to vent. I hope you folks understand. Besides....what else can go wrong from here on in.....??? Trump becoming president??? *looks at the current polls* ....doubt it.....
that was tonight? sorry my mind is still reeling from the butchering of the JSA on Legends of tomorrow....
You actually sat and watched it all??? You're a braver man than me, the god awful trailer was more than I could take.
Like I mentioned,.....I was also flipping channels and going back and forth between AMC Fearfest, SyFy's 31 Days of Halloween, and whatever was being shown on Adult Swim........and even highlights from the 3rd Presidential Debate (of which pales in comparison to the reboot now that I look at it). So even though I caught some of it,.....I didn't catch all of it (thankfully). .....although I will admit to actually sitting down and watching all of Eraserhead WITHOUT the use of drugs of any sort..... TWICE AT THAT FOR WATCHING IT
Wouldn't even listen to all of the "Sweet Transvestite" remake song someone posted in the other thread, so not at all interested in this bullflunky PC crap remake Oh, and before someone in support of this rubbish comes along, *clears throat of vomit* "This won't ruin your childhood as you can still watch the original" *throat fills with vomit again*
Yes.....I tried to watch the Rocky Horror reboot..... ....I also tried to induce vomiting and washing my eyes out with lye....... *sighs* thank God for therapy
Have you seen the original??? Have you even compared the remake to the original??? The original is way better than the remake. The reboot was just.....well.....awful. It got panned by a ton of critics and viewers alike.
Oh, it aired on tv? I assumed it was going to be in the theater. --which is why in the other thread, I declared I would wait for it to come out on dvd before I saw it.-- Just read about it on advocate.com in an article titled "Rocky Horror Disappoints in Ratings and Reviews" Would seem the queer community did not care for it either. I take it a tweet by Mapa sums it up pretty well? Oh well, I'm sure it will be on Netflix in the next year or two. I'll check it out then. In the mean time, going to go check if the song clips have been posted on youtube yet. I think it would have been more interesting had they made it like The Wiz and had an all black cast. Just to make it more different than the original. They could have even made some modern references in it. Something about police brutality, Black Lives Matter. Have a large oil painting of Obama in the background. Could even bring up the don't ask don't tell culture with black gay men who are "on the down low" It would have gave it a much different take, and really separated it from the original movie. or What with a woman playing Frankenfurter this time, maybe gone all the way and swapped the gender actor roles on everyone. I man playing the role of Janet. A woman playing the role of Riff Raff. It would have been a huge risk. If it failed it would have been a huge controversy. But if done right, it would be phenomenal. In my Rocky Horror dvd it has commentary. In it they talk about how originally Magenta was only in the movie, and not Columbia. (or it might be the other way around. Iv not watched it in a very long time) And after someone met the other actress they really wanted her to be in it, but the movie would have been too long if they added more scenes to it. So instead they just divided up Megenta lines and turned it into two people. So for that role, they could have made them siamese twins. Either played by two different actors, or played like Sarah Paulson character in AHS: Freakshow
Comparing it, is where you made your mistake. Iv been watching some of the music videos... It's just a music time period thing. The 1975 original was in the time that the punk movement really started taking off. Punk was social-gender-sexual-anarchy. And that's what the movie reflected. It was to push buttons. In the 70s when punk band manager Malcolm McLaren; when setting up U.S tours for the Sex Pistols, he first asked the question of What do American's not like? What are they afraid of? The answer - Communism. Russia. So he would dress the band members in red leather and cover the stage with Soviet Union's flags. That hammer-and-sickle symbol. -Even people who called themselves "punks" felt uncomfortable when the curtains opened. So this movie did not make as strong of statements as the original did, partly to target a younger group, as well as because gender and sexuality are not radical anymore. It's normal. No buttons left to push over it. When watching the songs clips, I kinda had to listen to them more than once to really give it a fair chance. The first time, while hearing it I sang along to it in my head based on the original song. So when ever the beat, timing, pronunciation was off, to me it sounded like they messed up. Had a blooper moment. I had to remind myself these are different song that needed to be judged alone and not compared. This movie differently paid tribute to it's horror-punk roots, But make no mistake, this is Pop. This movie is Katy Perry. Lady Gaga --I'm not even positive what "Pop" is anymore. At one it just meant "Popular." Anything could have called "pop" depending on what year it was. But over the last 10 years, I feel like Pop has become it's own genre.-- I can't speak of the acting, I only watched the music video. But for all the bad reviews that it has gotten, it's not that the movie is bad, it's that the people who did not like it, are not the target audience. Where 1975 reflected Punk, 2016 is reflecting Pop. The teens and preteens of today are probably really into this movie. It will be interesting to see if in another 30+ years from now, if they remake it again what genre will be current for it to be based on. Country? Techno? lol Hellz maybe by that time, people will have looped back to Big Band-Jazz....now that I think about it..Sweet Transvestite sang like Frank Sinatra..that could be kinda epic. -Not so-much as to have an entire movie based around it, but that one song by itself as a cover song. Could be cool. The interesting social experiment that came with this remake, is the reminder of the generational gap. I'm sure when people who listened to (what ever they listened to) in the 60's, first saw this movie in 75 probably made very similar comments about Tim Curry. Sadly, it would seem that the entertainment world has declared our taste is past it's prime. We have expired. **old man voice** Back in my day, sweet-transvestite were punk-rock. I tried to find a gif from John Waters 88 movie Hairspray when Edna Turnblad says "It's the times. They are a-changin" But could not find one. So we just gotta visualize it in our minds....... "and my diet pill is wearing off"
No, just, no to the above post The sad thing is, you really believe that They took something that was edgy and provocative and risqué and out-there! Something beloved by fans for decades And they made it safe and bland and PC! Simply because they could with zero regard to whether they should
There is a moment in time where films and some songs can be re-made. But then again,...there is another moment where you just can't beat the original. If you're okay with the concept of taking Rocky Horror in it's entirety and re-imaging it for a newer audience, then why not take that idea further and re-image, re-make, and re-boot other film classics. Let's start with "Scarface". Why not redo "The Princess Bride". Better yet, let's have Hollywood re-image films such as "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" and the original Star Wars Trilogy and make it modern so it would attract a much younger crowd. Makes you think twice,....doesn't it. When the original Rocky Horror Picture Show first came out in theaters, it didn't stand a chance and most audience members panned it. It was only when somebody gambled and decided to have it run at a midnight matinee and somebody shouted out whatever random lines that made it great. Rocky Horror is a cult classic because of many reasons. It maintained the classic 50's rock 'n roll sound, it pushed boundaries on sexuality, and let's face it, it also made several people famous. Had it not been for Rocky Horror, I almost would doubt that Susan Sarandon or Tim Curry wouldn't be where they are now in their film career. It might have taken them a little bit longer....but then again that's just a hypothetical. The reason why there are stations like TCM and why certain theaters are showing various movie classics is because it's to remind people why these films stood the test of time. When they were first made, nobody relied on CGI or blue / green screening certain parts of a film. Film makers used the technology they had at the time and it still came out great. Good example, the chariot race from "Ben Hur". I know that they did the remake of it not too long ago but to me, the original version stands out. Granted, with modern film making it enhanced the original, but when doing the original it showcased cinematography at that particular point in time. The original will always be a classic due to the way how it's filmed,....as well as the cast it had. Charlton Heston was one of those actors who's work in various films will stand the test of time. So yes, maybe comparing the original to the remake of Rocky Horror was a bit harsh on my part. But when you look at it, there is that fine line on when a classic should not be remade just to attract a younger crowd. One can easily do that by showing the original version. I mean, hey, would you want a young millennial to watch a re-make of "Citizen Kane"......or have them watch the original classic and let them see where in history great films were made.
Thanks. I don't know if it's just me getting older and I'm starting to show my age or that I just have a thing for nostalgia.....but it was one of those things where when I saw the post it made me stop and think for a while as to the other person's point of view and maybe introduce a train of thought that might not have occurred at some point in time.
Was thinking the same thing, you just explained it better Some movies can be improved with updated and 'modern' technology, others can not and should not even be attempted RHPS (and Bugsy Malone) are more than just the movie, they are about the experience, not just from the cast and crew when the made them but about the experience for the audience, things like that can not be duplicated
I'm not really the right person to direct that question at. I would not be against any of those being remade. If they were, I am sure I would treat those remake the same way I am treating this reboot, as well as the Planet Of The Apes, Godzilla, King Kong, Ghostbusters, The Crow, IT .... Which is being in no rush to watch them. I am just simply not one of those people who feels like there can only be one. Kinda making a point that I was making. There is no reason this movie won't have it's own cult following with today''s younger generation. That's the beauty of cult classics. The majority (in this case, us) don't get it or see the appeal in it. But a minority group does. It's like being in a exclusive club thats invite only. ..we just did not get the invite to this one. Their loss. Not ours. We are awesome. And I make bookoo-crazy good party punch. (It's just Hawaiian Punch that I pour in fancy glass punch bowl. Don't tell anyone) But for one cult movie group, to dismiss another so quickly.....it's about as wrong as the majority of people who don't like a movie, telling the minority cult followers, that they can't like it either. And the argument you making, might work for other movies...but Rocky Horror..this idea just should not be attached to this kind of movie. The essence of the movie (much like the Punk movement it was inspired by) is about moving forward. Going against the grain. Pushing boundaries and breaking the limit. Being you and not being someone else. Preserving the past by sitting on a dusty shelf...not punk. Not punk at all. ...Don't dream it...be it... Again, I am the wrong person to ask. There is a big difference between not wanting something for yourself, and not wanting something for others. That's just not my style. What's right for me, is not right for some. What's right for some, is not right for me.