Robot Sidekick Worthless Meter

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JReel, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    When they first added T3 solo's, you could actually use the robot sidekick as a tank pet. They eventually removed it from aggro tables though.

    Sidekick is really good if it stays up and you have space for it, it's usually dead so much in raids that it's not worth recasting, though. It does very good damage if it stays alive. It's not really something I use that much anymore because of it dying so much in AF2 raids. Also many powers that use AMs have something better to slot than sidekick.
  2. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    It's not hard to recast. It clips, is clippable, and does not root you while casting. And if you're comparing it to other pets, even trinket pets, it's the easiest one to cast, by far.
  3. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Idk why u guys are saying worthless , he hits super hard sometimes
  4. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Actually ask any good Earth DPS what they have in their loadout, most will state, Robot Sidekick over Crystal. First off, this little guy hits for 1300 damage regularly for me at 112 CR close range and about 750 at far range. That is constant damage. Compared to the other Pets, he has a self shield, which he tends to use when needed and does not spam his powers like Crystal, Fury, Brick, Watcher, etc... Third, even in high content he is good enough not to be respawned every 2 seconds. I had him out almost the full run without him dying in Artifacts last night.

    This guy can produce anywhere from 250k-1 million damage in higher end content. It is why he is in 3 of my 112 toons loadouts.
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  5. SILENTX New Player

    He's not completely useless especially if u have an extra spot on your loadout, and he's pretty nice to have since I'm HL and while I'm using my infinite combo it's nice to know he's gonna add a bit extra damage to mine.
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  6. Dr Blastwave Well-Known Player

    I still use him just because i think it would be cool to have a sidekick and the base side kick looks stupid and has a time limit so i would give it an even 5
  7. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    Actually I think it is more of a Booster Gold inspired power, especially if you look at the initial appearance of the robot before they changed it to the one of bat drones.
  8. CheddarCube Well-Known Player

    When I tried Light, I had room for it and used it. It's harmless. I wouldn't say that it put me head and shoulders over the competition, but since there were really only 3 spots that I needed for my HL loadout, I figured "why the heck not? Free damage that's low is still free damage". So I'd rate the little guy dead center at a 5. Not a dramatically useful thing to have, but not completely useless.
  9. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    If you're running with an electric healer and you really need the high heals, the more targets the electric healer hits the better.
  10. Biester New Player

    As a rage player with very limited options, I'll give rs a 5. Since it constantly gets destroyed in raids, I'll give rs an 8. I've replaced rs with relentless anger for the extra survivability since rs is no good to me if it constantly gets blown up. Add to all this the cast timer when summoning rs, the final verdict is a 10 which means rs is absolutely useless to me.
  11. ILike2Vape Well-Known Player

    That just about sums it up.
  12. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Thats a hasty generalization tbh. Just because someone uses a RS doesnt mean they don't know how to use a powerset or they cut and paste a loadout. For alot of powers, there is not need to have a full loadout of 6 powers. RS is great just to fill up that extra slot and its not totally useless. It does have one main advantage over other pets in the fact that it doesnt negate wm crits. It also aggros enemies which is good for solos and duos.
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  13. Kroye Loyal Player

    I have it on my loadout for solo content with certain powersets where there isn't a good option for that sixth loadout spot. I was under the impression that it helps my survivability by splitting AoE damage, but that might be outdated info.
  14. Trial 1 New Player

    Hmm, I got a 5 day ban for less than that ^

    Another thread about electric gets simply locked and since the individual posts can still be seen that shows that no one got so much as a warning.

    What da hell forum mods? What ... da.... hell?
  15. Proxy Server New Player

    The OP got banned for 5 days lol