Robot Sidekick Worthless Meter

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JReel, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. JReel New Player

    I phrased my statement incorrectly lol
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  2. JReel New Player

    The penguin looks funny to me lol
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  3. rawlings42 Well-Known Player

    Totally nees to be revamped. A new look and better mechanics to produce decent damage. Should at least be close to the other 'pets', nothing is eqal but we can get closer than it's current usfulness.

    scale score: 3 (for looks and bringing a pet to the masses)
  4. chipzes Committed Player

    Please tell me which pets you are referring to here. It has been shown that Suppressor Turret does way less damage and Snow Devil is widely regarded as completely useless.
    Swarm has been made part of the Nature AMs and Crystal/Fury are core of the Pet AMs which means these are obviously intended to be better.
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  5. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Earth, Sorcery, Gadgets are the only powers that have pets you can summon and they follow you along. Others have pets that come out only after consuming a particular power but they don't stay around long. Even the sidekicks, backups, TOMbot, and Servo are only around for a minute or so. So if you want a pet to follow along you have no choice but to get the robot sidekick. Does it cause a lot of damage? No but what it does is draw aggro at times which can be very valuable.
  6. RREI Level 30

    How about we modify its damage by a mainframe addition just like sidekicks and henchmen are upgraded.
  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Better than what is was before the pet update thats for sure.
  8. X-zero Loyal Player

    Pretty sure that use to be in a decent amount of people loads for free damage. And once T7 comes around it will start its comeback tour.
  9. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I don't find Snow Devil useless. I think it was shown that it does the equivalent damage of Wintry Tempest, but only over the course of its way-too-long cooldown.

    My WM for ice uses both Snow Devil and Robot Sidekick. Snow Devil doesn't die and stays out without me having to think about it for a long time. Robot Sidekick is more vulnerable but I don't have to cast it again unless it dies, and if I do have to cast it again, it clips and is clippable, so I just wait until the next time I was going to clip something. People don't seem to care about that when they complain about it dying. SD/RS/IB/Trink > WM > WT > (WM > IBS until WT ready again, then WT/IB), Blizzard for super, SD/any trinket when SD is ready again
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  10. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    100. As soon as I see dps using them I ask to be excused.
  11. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    This make no sense, how do it effect your gameplay? I don't use the sidekick because it goes down easily, and it's hard to recast, but idc if another role use it. Bottom line, we as a community gotta stop worrying about others if it's not effecting us
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  12. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Call it a bad experience several times. Bottom line is if I'm healing and the dps stay popping rs out I'm leaving. Got into lab with a quantum dps that bought out rs I left. It shows me that you just cut and paste you're loadout from the web and probably have no idea how to use your power because everyone has something more productive than rs.
  13. HazeTA New Player

    Fyi OP, RS does more damage than Gadgets pets js. Sorcery and Earths are part of their AM and should be coming close to them, that goes without saying.

    So much fail in here. I agree, Iconics could do with a revamp but people are hugely underestimating how good some of them are/can be especially when making comparisons to certain power sets abilities.

    RS does scale with CR. Any Iconic that hits for might damage scales with might. Any that give power or healing scale with vit and resto. What exactly is it you're seeing with the iconics that isn't scaling with stats or cr?

    If you're referring to the innates, I agree.

    You referring to Gag Glove? You should really test things before judging their viability...
  14. Nemisor Committed Player

    lol at cut and paste. every good dps loadout is cut and paste seen as how decent dps is usually achieved by a single kind of rotation.
  15. Opamp Committed Player

    I hate the noise it makes. Zzzzzzz
  16. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I like the lil guy
  17. MrB Dedicated Player

    As HL I like that it gives free damage while I'm doing construct combos. Also you can clip its summoning. For some raids its better to take him our and put in something else, raids like thrones.
  18. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I like the robot sidekick. He is cool. I give the robot sidekick a 2.

    ... wait...
  19. Agnetta Dedicated Player

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  20. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    I have a free spot in my loaf out bar and a little extra free damage is always good. Although I don't hurry to recast it if it dies unless it's right after a pick up. Probably going to change it out for a just as useless SC but not sure yet.