Robot Sidekick Worthless Meter

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JReel, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. JReel New Player

    On a scale of 1-10, how worthless is this little thing to you?


    For me, it hits a grand 7. Obviously the robot sidekick is well.......a sidekick. With that being stated, it is virtually a decoy. It stands and clips every few seconds, barely putting out damage. Then when it is comes to durability, the robot sidekick dies within a critical hit or so. I mean the pets for each respective power are miles ahead of the sidekick. For it to be a reliable option, just slightly increase the health and damage output. Just my opinion though.
  2. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    10. I hate that thing.
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  3. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I give it a 10 on the adorable meter.
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  4. JReel New Player

    lol yeah it is quite the charmer I see.
  5. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    If you have an extra space in your loadout, it can be a nice little extra DoT.

    Personally I think it's ugly though lol. It reminds me of a wasp or hornet, which I hate.
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  6. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    I specced into it once just to see, but really have no space for it on any character. So it gets the perfect 10 for me.
  7. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    Its relative, i dont think that little robot is totally useless. If you have your loadout but there is a space without use i think it can help you with aditional dmg. As i said is relative...
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  8. ArtOfFreak Well-Known Player

    It breaks the meter :mad: It looks so badass but it's really just @$$
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  9. Will Power Loyal Player

    Please note that its a Batman inspired power. I don't think the developers thought the game would last this long. It's perfect for leveling new toons and maybe T1 play. Perfect for any Batman fan.
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  10. JReel New Player

    I am indeed a Batman fan and I personally dislike it. If it is going to be as useless as it is now, they might as well add more aggro to it so I can have it tank a little during my solos
  11. spack2k Steadfast Player

    its a 5 not more & not less .
  12. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    All the Iconics suck IMHO...

    All of them need to be related to the players CR in performance, the higher the CR, the better performance from the Iconic!

    This should have been done years ago!

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  13. damagedealr New Player

    It does its job, hits 1.5k at 114 cr single target and doesn't require you to give it power and even puts a shield on itself. I would say out of all the iconic s excluding the stat/crit iconic s its the most useful if you have an extra slot on the bar.
  14. amazingmanll New Player

    Ive seen 112 cr's using it, a useless iconic harlequins sucker punch thing
  15. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    Free damage is always good. Yeah I'm putting out 20k damage but an extra 2-4k ain't nothin to complain about
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  16. Rocky Well-Known Player

    I'm confused if you don't like it don't use it
    Or are you asking for it to be removed?
  17. JReel New Player

  18. EP Ice Loyal Player

    Wait!! There is a pet for each respective power? What is Electric's pet?
  19. Rocky Well-Known Player

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  20. Mighty Hyperion Committed Player

    No, not all powers have their own pets. (Earth and Sorcery do)
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