Up-Votes Needed Robot sidekick summon instantly explodes

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Elda, Jun 15, 2021.

  1. Elda Mad as a Hatter

    In combat, if you try summoning robot sidekick it'll instantly blow up, usually twice and stays on the third attempt. Clipping out of robot summon sometimes works, but is still a pain.
  2. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Im guessing your hitting the button 2x
    It always summons an blows up when you do thsi and in combat its hard to know that you even did it
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  3. Elda Mad as a Hatter

    i'm just tapping it once. i even just tried a macro to only tap it once, over a range of ms delay held, and it still explodes in combat.
  4. Miserable Dedicated Player

    My experience is the same as Qwantum's. If I accidentally double tap, it'll blow up in and out of combat. I have no problem summoning it in combat by pressing it once. I'm on PS4.